WebGrid width problem

6 replies. Last post: September 1, 2009 12:08 AM by Product Support
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I have a table with 3 columns and a WebGrid inside the first column. The WebGrid has a width of 250px and has 5 columns. each column has a width of 100px. When this is displayed the table width is 500px which is wrong and destroys the layout of the table.


table border="2px">



<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="wgtestwidth" runat="server" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1"

DefaultStyleMode="Elegant" Height="250px" UseDefaultStyle="True"


<RootTable DataKeyField="CustomerID">


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="CustomerID" DataMember="CustomerID" Name="CustomerID"



<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Country" DataMember="Country" Name="Country" Width="100px">


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="PostalCode" DataMember="PostalCode" Name="PostalCode"



<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Phone" DataMember="Phone" Name="Phone" Width="100px">


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Fax" DataMember="Fax" Name="Fax" Width="100px">






<td>column 2</td>

<td>column 3</td>




I've attached a screen image. To make things worse put 15 columns in the WebGrid and make the grid width 500px. You should end up with a column 1 width of 1500 px instead of 500px.



1 attachment
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