WebGrid Image Download Issue

1 reply. Last post: November 15, 2009 9:44 PM by Yudi
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I have a user who is experiencing a problem with the WebGrid control in our web application. I have been unable to reproduce it on my developemnt or production environements and it has not been reported to me by any of our other users as of yet. THis issue is only happening to the user on this one particular page.

Before explaining the issue i'll give you a brief outline of the structure of the page. It contains 1 WebGrid which can be populated from the selection of a WebCombo which causes the datasource to be re-bound, by adding new rows via the client side or both. The page also has another drop down list which on its client side OnChange event updates all rows in the grid.

The issue that is occuring happens as follows. The user is loading data into the grid from the selection of the WebCombo. They are then changing the selected value of a second drop down list which causes the grid to update the rowes via the client side. However upon the execution of the event the page tries to download the image wg_currow but is never able to download it.

As I said I have not been able to reproduce it but I have a video clip which illustrates the issue. After you see the user change the Display Units drop down watch the status bar at the bottom of the page. The download message remains there until you exit the page and the row does not actually update. Below is also the OnChange event that is fired.

function lstDDDisplayUnits_ValueChanged(ctl, e)
    for (var i=0; i<purchaseDelivery.wgPurchaseDelivery.RootTable.GetRowsCount(); i++)

QRTPurchaseDelivery.prototype.modifyItem = function(row, newvalue, oldvalue)
    var stockData = new QRTPurchaseDeliveryItem();

    var cells = row.GetCells();
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "QOH", true, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "QtyOrdered", true, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "QtyExpected", true, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "QtyPrevious", true, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "QtyAccept", true, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "QtyReject", true, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "UnitCostTaxExc", false, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "UnitCostTaxInc", false, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.convertUnitsFloat(cells, stockData, "UnitTax", false, 6, oldvalue, newvalue);
    this.webGridCommon.updateFieldValue(cells, "Unit", stockData.unitTemplate.getUnitDescription(newvalue));

QRTWebGridCommon.prototype.updateFieldValue = function(cells, fieldname, value)
    cells.GetNamedItem(fieldname).SetText(value, true);

Do you have any ideas what would be causing this problem?

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