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I am getting an error when exporting a web grid to XML. The error message is "Cannot change the name of the DataSet to an empty string."
I tried setting the data source as datatable and dataset. Both give same error. Pls help!
Code Snippet below..
Web Grid Definition -
<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" AllowAutoDataCaching="True" Visible="false" DataMember="CarrierList" Height="430px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100%" OnExport="WebGrid1_Export" OnExportCompleted="WebGrid1_ExportCompleted" OnPrepareExportExecute="WebGrid1_PrepareExportExecute" OnInitializePostBack="WebGrid1_InitializePostBack" OnInitializeRow="WebGrid1_InitializeRow" OnInitializeDataSource="WebGrid1_InitializeDataSource" > <RootTable DataKeyField="Oid" GroupMode="Collapsed" DataMember="CarrierList" Caption="CarrierList"> <Columns> ... ... </Columns> </RootTable> <LayoutSettings AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowExport="Yes" AllowGrouping="No" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowFilter="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" ApplyFiltersKey="Enter" AutoFilterSuggestion="true" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" RowChangedAction="none" AlwaysShowHelpButton="False" RowHighlightType="EntireRow" InProgressUIBehavior="ChangeCursorToHourGlass" ShowFilterStatus="True" CellClickAction="rowSelect" FilterBarVisible="False"> <FreezePaneSettings ShowInContextMenu="True" MaxFrozenColumns="2" /> <GroupByBox ContextMenu="false"> </GroupByBox> <ClientSideEvents OnRowContextMenu="WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu"/> </LayoutSettings> </ISWebGrid:WebGrid>
Data Source -
try { DataSet ds = new DataSet("CarrierList"); ds.Tables.Add(_dt); e.DataSource = ds; }
I created a simple sample of WebGrid where the datasource is DataTable; and was able to export WebGrid's data to XML without any problems. Please find my sample in the attachment; test it on your end; and let me know if you have different result.
For your information, I'm using the latest version of WebGrid 8 in my local end.
Hi Yudi,
I get the same error when I run your code. Screenshot attached. I have WebGrid 6 currently.
Does Export to XML not work with WebGrid 6?? I checked in IE8 and IE11. Both throwing same error.
I’m afraid that WebGrid 6 has now been discontinued for several years and there are not going to be any further updates for it. Intersoft has enhanced and improved the exporting to xml in WebGrid 8.
I recommend you to upgrade your WebGrid to WebGrid 8. The trial of WebGrid 8 can be downloaded at
Thanks Yudi. I have installed the Trial Version but am facing some issues. Issue posted in this thread -
Please check my response on the ISNet.Nevron.Charting Library in WebGrid 8?? thread and feel to let us know if you still having difficulties with the chart engine.
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