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Some of our grids come up with "null" in the middle of the grid when there's no data instead of the "There are no rows in this view." text. See attached.
Refreshing the page usually takes care of it. But initially we don't want to see "null" in the middle. Also, we'd like to be able to set the "There are no rows in this view." text message so we can use different languages. Is there a way to do that? Thank you.
Hello Yousif,
ResetStatus(true) will set the text at the middle of WebGrid status where there is no data.Some scenario could cause the empty text or null. Btw, I am still unable to replicate 'null' issue as you described. If this method could not be used as workaround, please set your own text settings.Open WebGridDesigner>>TextSettings. Add a new one where is NoData.
<LayoutSettings AllowGrouping="Yes"> <TextSettings> <TextItems> <ISWebGrid:WebGridTextItem TextItem="CommonText/NoData" TextValue="No Data" /> </TextItems> </TextSettings> </LayoutSettings>
Hope this helps.
Please try to use ResetStatus(true) in WebGrid Intialize event to overcome text 'null' issue.
var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.ResetStatus(true);
Hi Yousif,
By you mean to change the text message, does it mean that you want to change all the language? If you are willing to change the language, you will need to use other Localization file instead of default.xml. You can refer this with "ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V7/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Specifying custom language used in WebGrid.html".
Or, if you see my attached sample file, you will see that I only change the text to "Null" and keep the language as a default.
For you issue that the grid is come with "null" in the middle of it, I am sorry, but I not able to replicate the issue. Could you kindly modify my sample so that it will replicate the issue and send them back to me to be investigated?
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
I doubt you'll duplicate this issue with just the "out-of-the-box" grid. We do major customization, but the basic foundation that we have no access to, via the API, hasn't changed. Please get with Handy as I had sent him detailed code from our grid base class for another item awhile back. Please do not post any of that code here as it's private and confidential.
I'll try the ResetStatus, but isn't that for the status line at the bottom?
Thanks Handy. I've implemented the ResetStatus on the grid client-side initialization and hopefully that will do the trick.
The text setting for customization works like we needed, so thank you for that too.
Hi Alan,
I have tried the solution you have suggested, but it will cause another issue. Webgrid will run into infinite loop when it tried to set notdatabox (on catch side, it will call ShowNoDataBox again). It seem the intention of try catch in that code was intended to make sure set empty data text finish successfuly, if exception occured (very rare), WebGrid will once again set empty data text after several milisecond.
Well, the possible solution right now was by specifying "CommonText/NoData" text item so that f=c.GetString("CommonText/NoData") will return the specified value instead of null, like the one suggested by Handy.
Best Regards,Leo
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