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I am using the webGrid in unbound mode, I want to add a chart, but can't (error unable to communicate with server). Can charts be used in an unbound mode? I am using the Unbound_Grid sample as an example of the grid I am using.
You should not be able to enable chart feature using unbound in WebGridSamples project, because the way the unbound defined.
The chart image is created dynamically. When user switches the view to chart view, there is a FlyPostBack action. Due to WebGrid lifecycle during FlyPostBack, IniatializeDataSource server side event will be invoked. Based on unbound sample of WebGrid, there is no code at InitializeDataSource, hence causing error and “Unable to communicate with server” exception will appear.
There is a workaround to achieve this kind of scenario. The workaround is by creating a datatable and assign its rows manually. Next, set this datatable as WebGrid’s data source.
I enclosed one simple sample of this workaround. Please have the sample tested on your end and let us know whether this helps or not.
Thank you works great.
Glad to hear that the sample helps.
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