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I've got one problem loading an webgrid layout.
User can save their layout setting with SaveTablesStructureToXml().InnerXml to the database.
On load the xmllayout should be loaded. It works but....
- columns from type template display not correctly -> normally there is an hyperlink, but it shows only the value
- columns from type dropdown -> shows only the key, not the value
I tryed loading the layout in Page_Init, WebGridSb_InitializeLayout, WebGridSb_PreRender. And at last I tryed to load ist on ButtonClick. Same result :(
grid.LoadTablesStructureFromXml(xml); grid.RebindDataSource();
Thank you for the valuable feedback.
I was able to reproduce the reported issue (columns from type template display not correctly -> normally there is an hyperlink, but it shows only the value) in a simple sample of WebGrid. I will have this forwarded to WebGrid development team for further investigation.
However, I still need more information regarding the issue, columns from type dropdown -> shows only the key, not the value. Does the terms “dropdown” mean “DropdownList” as the column’s EditType?
Hi Yudi,
my column definition is:
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="PROJEKT" DataMember="PROJEKT" Name="PROJEKT" Width="200px" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="NoEdit" WebComboID="WebComboProjekte" FilterEditType="DropdownList"> <ValueList DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="odsProjekte" DataTextField="BEZEICHNUNG" DataValueField="ID"> </ValueList> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn>
But also the column "sequence number" is at first call is empty:
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Nr" EditType="NoEdit" Name="LFDNR" Width="30px" FilterEditType="TextBox" ColumnType="Template"> <CellTemplate> <%# Container.DataItemIndex +1 %> </CellTemplate> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn>
First, if I press the "reload data"button, the grid shows correctly.
Thank you for the snippet code.
The reported problem is filed under work item #1080. I will have this information added to the corresponding work item. Should I hear any news from the team regarding work item #1080, I will surely let you know.
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