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I have modified your sample DetailView for use in a project.
Basically, I replaced the dsNorthWind Access database with the WebScheduler_EventOrganizer Access database. Please see attached sample.
I need this modified sample to work exactly as DetailView, including Adding, Editing, and Deleting records in the Categories table. But I am getting error that "GetDataBy" and "DeleteBy" in code behind do not have a definition for EventOrganizerTableAdapters.
I would greatly appreciate if you could revise and get the attached sample to work as the original DateView.
Hi Jean,
That error occurs because you have set the new query for that specific procedure. If you go back to our dsNorthwind.xsd, you will noticed in table of customer, there are two new query, those are GetDataBy and DeleteBy queries.
So, you could try to add those queries in your EventOrganize.xsd at Categories table. I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Thanks for your quick reply. I am not yet well versed in handling communications with database. As you know, the WebScheduler_EventOrganizer database is used with WebScheduler, and I do not know if and how modifying its associated .xsd file to include these queries will affect WebSecheduler behavior.
In my scenario, I need to create an option allowing to add, edit, and delete records in the Categories and Resources tables of the EventOrganizer database, but I need to do this outside of WebScheduler, from a separate page. The changes should then be visible in WebScheduler when WebScheduler is refreshed.
If there is a simpler way to accomplish this without modifying the .xsd files, could you please provide a code snippet, or revise the sample that I sent you previously?
Best Regards
As my colleague has mentioned, you will need to add queries to the xsd in order for the sample to work correctly.
In WebScheduler the query that will be used will be defined in the ISDataSourceTable object under DeleteMethod, InsertMethod, SelectMethod, and UpdateMethod. If you would like to avoid conflict just named the query you are using for the form differently than the one used in WebScheduler.
Attached is the modified sample.
Other suggestion would be to use SQL command in the form instead of data table adapter object.
Modified 05/24/2010: Attachment removed because extraction fails.
Hello Glenn:
I cannot open the modified sample you sent. It says that the zip file is invalid or corrupted.
Please check the file and post again.
I am very sorry for the attachment incident. I have re-archive the modified files and attached it to this post.
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