Multiple issues and questions with AllowBatchUpdate

5 replies. Last post: February 28, 2012 10:28 PM by Handy Surya
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The grid is set to BatchUpdateMode, but we have a feww issues with it.


We are binding to a SqlDataSource for the selects, but the updates and inserts are using custom objects.
The insert and updates are ok and work fine when the method onbatchupdate method is called, but the page then displays 
"WebGrid failed to update 1 out of 1 changes due to errors.Please review and correct your changes"

The following records were not updatesd.
Record '69': Object Reference not set to an instance of an object".

The code seems to be looking for the insert and update statements in the SqlDataSource which do not exist. How can i stop this from happening.?


"Accept All Changes" button on the bottom of the grid is far far too small. How do i make this button appear larger and place it at the top of the grid..


How do we remove "Paste Multiple rows from clipboard" in the context menu. Its buggy & not needed.



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