Js error right clicking group header with AutoFilterSuggestion=True and CellSelect

5 replies. Last post: February 3, 2010 9:08 PM by Yudi
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Mike DearmanMember

If I have a column groupped, then right-click on the Group Header, I get a JsError:

Line 7 - Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object

The WG code failing is:

if (vc2760.LayoutSettings.AutoFilterSuggestion && v2d979 !="NewRow" && v0285.Cell !=null &&v2a317.IsRootTable) { if (v3a296 ==null) v3a296 =wgGetColNameByCell(v0285.Cell);

The cell HTML is:

<TR style="HEIGHT: 20px" type="GroupHeader" position="1" hasParent="False" selectionMode fullPath="" childrenLoaded="True" groupIndex="0" expanded="False"><TD class=grdPDQ-GroupRow style="WIDTH: 16px; BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0px" align=middle type="GroupCell"><IMG onclick=WGUI.TGROW(this) src="ISRes.axd?G/wg_plus.gif" align=absMiddle></TD>

<TD class=grdPDQ-GroupRow title="" style="BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0px; WIDTH: 100%" noWrap colSpan=11 type="GroupCell">Category: 2</TD></TR>"


I have the following setup:

AutoFilterSuggestion = True


AutoFilterSuggestion = True


With a quick Js debugging session, it looks like the WebGrid is trying to get the cell's column name by cell, but the context menu Cell is really a TR for the GroupHeader (which is correct, but failing).

If I set
AutoFilterSuggestion = False, then the error does not occur and the context menu appears without error (however does not have the auto-suggest options)

I am running WebGrid 7 from 2009 R1 SP1 (the latest from 9/1), but this error occurred in non-SP1 as well.





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