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Hi everyone,I would ask for your support on a problem with Web Grid.
Just for a specified client and only in Internet Explorer, the data are loaded but the scrollbar is notviewable, it seems that the height attribute is not set correctly by the jquery.I can say the data are completely loaded because I compared his html source with a working one, and it is the same.On other pc clients it works and if I try on his pc using my account, it does not work.If I reload the page, it works!
The user has not firewalls or tools blocking the traffic.The browser we are using is Internet Explorer 8 and the application that embeds the Web Grid forces IE7 mode. (With this tag, to be clear: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" /> )Does anyone have any kind of suggestion? I am stuck is this!
Thanks in advance!Lidia
Hi Lidia,
I’ve tried to replicate your issue here but it works fine here. I’ve tried to put XHTML and HTML5 doctype but the scrollbar still show up. I am willing to assist you further. In order to do so, could you let me know step-by-step to reproduce this issue or if you don’t mind, could you give me a simple sample that we can run it on our local end?
This is the problem .. :) I cannot reproduce the issue locally ...
The grid loads about 60 rows, so a scrollbar is supposed to appear on the left side on the page, but it does not appear, so even if the data are loaded the user cannot utilize them...
From your statement (a scrollbar is supposed to appear on the left side on the page), are you using dir=”rtl” on your html tag? I want to try to replicate your issue in same environment like yours. Could you let me know what environment that you use to make this issue appears?
After some Fiddler session, I noticed that 401 errors appear, when trying to download files with .axd extension:
that in my web.config is
<add name="ISNetResourceHandler" path="ISRes.axd" verb="GET" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebResourceHandler, ISNet.WebUI, Version=3.0.5000.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=**********" />
and also some Sharepoint css ( the control is embedded in a sharepoint 2010 publishing page) related to the theme, in the folder _catalog\theme . It is really strange that this happens only to a user, and only for these files.. in the fiddler log I see for these files there is no Kerberos ticket....
Sorry for late response. Are you sure that only your PC which have error 401? Is another PC got error 401?
I’ve consulted with developer team. If you’re using SharePoint you must use CommonLibrary instead of SmartWebResources. Hope it helps.
Hi Bernard,
thanks for your help and commitment, I found the issue: it's very strange, but it was due to the IE add-on "Shockwave Flash Object" version, that it seems was blocking some files. I disabled it, did not see the issue, then upgraded it to the last version, and now my user has not the issue anymore.
I googled a little bit for this issue but actually I found nothing, maybe I will indicate it to Adobe's support or search in Adobe's community to see if someone else had 401 problems.
Thanks again !! :) :) I will update the discussion if something else come up.
Glad to hear that you have found the problem. For me, it’s weird if the other PC doesn’t have the same problem as yours. I’ll contact the developer team about this issue from add-on.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
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