IE 11 render issue since MS Security patch was applied

1 reply. Last post: February 25, 2014 10:52 PM by Bernard Xiang
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Hi there,

We are and having been using the Intersoft controls for some time and recently ran into an issue with IE 11 in regards to Grid Rendering.  For a while, the grids were rendering fine in all of our supported versions, 8 through 11.  On February 11, 2014, Microsoft pushed some security hotfixes out and the WebGrid stopped rendering in IE 11, when previously it was working fine.  The security bulleting with the list of patches that can cause this issue is:

If the Web Server has any of these security patches, the grids will stop rendering with no changes to the application.  Uninstalling the security patches will allow the grid to render again, but this is not a good solution.  For example, installing the 4.5.1 .Net service pack will also cause the same behaviour and it cannot be easily removed from a server.  We also don't like the idea of not applying security patches to our servers.

We currently do use the DocType in our production versions of our application:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 

As well as the meta tag:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />

These are currently mandatory for our IE 8/9/10/11 support in the versions that are in production.  We'd like to know if it would be possible to:

a) Receive a document or be provided a link to a compiled list of release notes/changes/hotfixes for the WebGrid such that we can compare to our production versions and determine a risk assessment of dropping in the new DLL that may or may not be compatible with the older code with little to no re-work.

b) Is it possible to recieve hotfix patches to the DLL versions of the grid that we use in those older versions of our application where the only fix to them is the change that allows the IE 11 render fix that you put in the most recent version. (258 I think)

c) Are you aware of the security issue and have a workaround to force our servers to see IE11 as IE10 or 9?

Essentially we want to find a solution to the IE11 rendering issue, not only for our future versions that will use HTML5 Doctype and the newest WebGrid releases, but also allows us to fix some of our older versions of our product that requires older DocTypes without imposing too much risk and a full regression testing requirement.

Thank you,


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