Hyperlink in Webgrid needs to be clicked twice to fire

1 reply. Last post: May 10, 2011 4:20 PM by Martin Lie
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Neil TurnerMember

I have a hyperlink in a web grid that opens a Fancybox panel

The problem is that the link only fires when it has been clicked twice

How can I prevent the first click selecteing the row and just firing the link?

This is how I create the link


WebGridColumn filesColumn = new ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.WebGridColumn();

filesColumn.EditType = EditType.NoEdit;

filesColumn.ColumnType = ColumnType.HyperLink; infoColumn.AllowSizing =


filesColumn.Width = 20;

filesColumn.Caption = " ";filesColumn.DataMember =

"assessmentid"; filesColumn.Name = "filesroot";

filesColumn.HyperlinkDisplayText = "<img src=images/icons/16/folder.png>";

filesColumn.HyperlinkFormatString = "document-upload.aspx?type=ass&id={0}";


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