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I have a hyperlink in a web grid that opens a Fancybox panel
The problem is that the link only fires when it has been clicked twice
How can I prevent the first click selecteing the row and just firing the link?
This is how I create the link
filesColumn.EditType = EditType.NoEdit;filesColumn.ColumnType = ColumnType.HyperLink; infoColumn.AllowSizing =
filesColumn.ColumnType = ColumnType.HyperLink; infoColumn.AllowSizing =
filesColumn.Width = 20;
filesColumn.Caption = " ";filesColumn.DataMember =
filesColumn.HyperlinkDisplayText = "<img src=images/icons/16/folder.png>";filesColumn.HyperlinkFormatString = "document-upload.aspx?type=ass&id={0}"; WebGrid2.RootTable.Columns.Add(filesColumn);
filesColumn.HyperlinkFormatString = "document-upload.aspx?type=ass&id={0}"; WebGrid2.RootTable.Columns.Add(filesColumn);
In my sample, it only needs to click once in the column to trigger the hyperlink text.
I'm using the following code:
WebGridColumn col = new WebGridColumn(); col.DataMember = "CompanyName"; col.ColumnType = ColumnType.HyperLink; col.HyperlinkDisplayText = "test"; WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.Add(col);
However, I was unable to replicate your issue here. Am I missing some settings?
Could you provide me a simple working sample that replicates your issue?
Thank you.
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