How to add filter to FilteredColumns if filtered column is a value list

3 replies. Last post: June 27, 2010 11:05 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Hello InterSoft,


I need to add filter to grid FilteredColumns collection in javascript. If filter is a simple textbox then code below works fine.

gridName = fnGetActiveGrid(true); var filter = new WebGridFilter(); filter.ColumnMember = "BATCH_ID"

filter.FilterType = "EqualTo";

filter.FilterText = "xyz";



How to do the same functionality for a filter in a grid which is a valuelist (dropdown)? I assume that I need to point from cell to combo and than use combo.SetAdditionalFilters() function. What is a code to do it?  I am doing it from cell_click event so I know columnId,cellId ...

Thank you

Thank you


filter.FilterText = "xyz";



How to do the same functionality for a filter in a grid which is a valuelist (dropdown)? I assume that I need to point from cell to combo and than use combo.SetAdditionalFilters() function. What is a code to do it?  I am doing it from cell_click event so I know columnId,cellId ...

Thank you

Thank you

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