How can I get the WebGridEditObject of a WebGridColumn in the WebGrid Client-Side OnBeforeUpdate?

10 replies. Last post: May 13, 2010 4:50 PM by Douglas Badin
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I want to validate data Client-Side before a Row is Added or Updated. 

To validate I want to compare two values.

The First Value is in a WebGridColumn with the Default Edit Type.  I have no problem getting it's value by using rowObject.GetCells().GetNamedItem("Quantity_WebGridColumn").Value.

The Second value is in a WebGridColumn with the EditType of WebComboNET.  The WebColumn has Multiple Columns and I want the value in the 3rd column of the selected row.  In the Client-Side Event OnExitEditMode I am able to use the editObject to get the value using editObject.element.GetSelectedRow().cells[2].innerText.  However, I can not figure out how to get the WebGridEditObject in the OnBeforeUpdate Event using it's parameters controlId, tblName and rowObject.

How can I get the Value of the 3rd Column in the Selected Row of a WebCombo Column in a WebGrid Row?



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