Hierarchical Grid with Row Checker Columns

6 replies. Last post: May 14, 2010 8:12 AM by Adrian Cunningham
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I have a hierarchial grid with parent and child tables.  The Grid layout is such that the hierarchical structure looks and acts like a tree. 

The root table has a row check column called "chkParent" and the child table has a row checker column called "chkChild".  The key data in the grid that I want to work with is the child data.  For example I have a DropButton with a list of actions, these actions will be performed against any "Checked" child rows.

The purpose for the parent row checker is so that I can write a JavaScript function to check/uncheck all the children.

The problem I'm having is that the correct will correctly Persist the checked rows for the parent table but not the child table. 

Is there any way to have both Parent and Child checked rows persisted correctly.



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