Grid ContextMenu in IE8 has issues with dropshadow

5 replies. Last post: July 9, 2013 12:46 AM by Hans Kristian
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Currently in IE8 (or at least with IE10 with document mode set to IE8), there is an issue where the context menu doesn't render properly (please see contextMenu.png). You'll notice that the width is too wide for the mouse over and the same for the blue seperator, actually, more precisely, the background (white box) is actually too small. This is because of the progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(...) filter being set to the table (please see devToolbar.png). 

You will notice that removing the filter fixes the issue (no longer has a dropshadow, but fixes the issue).

Look at devToolbar_fixed.png and contextMenu_fixed.

This could be fixed if you guys would transfer your styles to external CSS files instead of setting them inline (obviously styles that change based on actions such as  the top and left styles being set based on where you click wouldn't be able to be moved).

Please let me know what you suggest to fix this issue.

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