FF3.5 Webgrid6.0 dynamic rows shrinking

8 replies. Last post: September 6, 2009 11:53 PM by Gordon Tumewu
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Xedem Member


    I have got some webgrids, in which rows are added edited or deleted dynamically. Based on a popup, values are taken inside javascript and the InitialisePostback event is called. After the data is updated inside database, clientAction.Refresh is called. This makes the grid to reflect changes. The problem is that after the dynamic asynchronous modification, the rows are getting shrinked. Please refer to both screenshots, showing original and dynamic webgrids. Am using default style of webgrid. Infact for a moment(when just as the webgrid is refreshed), i could see the webgrid coming to full width. But within a fractions of second, it shrinks. The shrinking applies to only the rows, except header row. However the header row gets added on with a padded space, which am removing using webgrid initialise event, using grid.HidePadColumn=true.

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