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When clicking an image button on top of the page the following function runs:function
WebGrid1.ExportGrid("", "PDF", "PORTRAIT");
}A popup window is shown for a second then it disappears automatically which means that the exported pdf can't be seen by the user. Exporting to Excel works.How can the problem be solved?Regards,Staffan E.
Staffan, try to reset all IE settings to default. In Options dialog, go to Advanced tab then click on Reset button.
HI Staffan,
I can't reproduce the issue here. Have you tested our WebGrid sample page named ProgrammaticExportClientside.aspx? I tested the issue using that sample and set export type to PDF. Everything is okay here. Have you installed PDF application on your computer?
Best Regards,
Hi!When running ProgrammaticExportClientSide.aspx the same problem exists. Acrobat Reader is installed on my computer and it has been working before. I know I made some version upgrade of WebGrid and the framework for some time ago. Could it have anything to do with this?// Staffan
I know I made some version upgrade of WebGrid and the framework for some time ago. Could it have anything to do with this?
Could you provide build's number of WebUIFramework (ISNet.dl, ISNet.WebUI.dll, ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll) and also build's number of WebGrid (ISNet.WebUI.dll, ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll) that you use?
And also have you updated the GAC (C:\Windows\assembly) when you upgrade the WebUIFramework?Please provide me build number of ISNet.ActiveReports.Exporting assembly that registered on your GAC. (Right click->Properties->Go to tab Version)
ISNet.dll = 3.0.5000.703ISNet.WebUI.dll = 3.0.5000.703ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll = 3.0.5000.703ISNet.Active.Reports.Exporting = 5.0.7200.2 in Project\BinISNet.Active.Reports.Exporting = 5.0.7200.3 in Windows\AssemblyWebGrid = 6.0.7200.215Framework = 3.0.5000.703How do I update the GAC?
Staffan, if you're updating the assemblies through Intersoft's Update Manager, it should have take care the GAC update and everything.
Have you tried to export the Grid in other computer? That will help to isolate whether the issue is in the client-side installation (eg, Adobe Acrobat Reader issue) or possibly browser setting issue.
Exporting to pdf from the exact same application works when running local, on the hosted server it doesn't but I've now found out that if I change the security settings in IE 8.0 exporting to pdf works also from the hosted server. I've changed so many settings in IE 8.0 so I don't know which one made the difference. Do you have any idea?
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