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I have a hierarchical grid with rowcheckers on both parent and child tables and I'm supposed to expand and check all the rowcheckers on the child when the parent rowchecker is clicked/checked.
Expanding a row is simple enough:
function Grid_CheckBoxClick(gridId, tblName, colName, checkboxValue, originalCheckBoxValue) { { var grid = ISGetObject(gridId); var row = grid.Tables[tblName].ToRowObject(grid.CheckedRowContext); row.ExpandChildRow(true); }
But I have no idea on how to access the particular child table under that row and check the (header) row checker (if possible, if not I can just loop them all and check all of them) on the child table...
How is that possible? Would this be achievable using only the OnCheckBoxClick event? Or would I require the "catch" the moment the child table initializes to do some extra work there?
I have attached a simple sample of your scenario.
I made the checkbox column on code behind. And yes you can achieve what you want using the OnCheckBoxClick. On my sample, I’m using an OnCheckBoxClick ClientSideEvents to make the checkbox from parent until child is auto selected based on parent. Please kindly check it if its workable.
Hope this can resolve your issue.
Best regards,
Niven Prasetya.
Thanks Niven, this works perfectly.
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