Expand Child Row + Access RowChecker on ChildRows

4 replies. Last post: July 29, 2010 4:11 AM by zhang hong
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I have a hierarchical grid with rowcheckers on both parent and child tables and I'm supposed to expand and check all the rowcheckers on the child when the parent rowchecker is clicked/checked.

Expanding a row is simple enough:

function Grid_CheckBoxClick(gridId, tblName, colName, checkboxValue, originalCheckBoxValue) {
var grid = ISGetObject(gridId);
var row = grid.Tables[tblName].ToRowObject(grid.CheckedRowContext);

But I have no idea on how to access the particular child table under that row and check the (header) row checker (if possible, if not I can just loop them all and check all of them) on the child table...

How is that possible? Would this be achievable using only the OnCheckBoxClick event? Or would I require the "catch" the moment the child table initializes to do some extra work there?


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