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I have a column in my webgrid of DataType System.DateTime and DataFormatString set to "dd.MM.yyyy". So far so good.
But if I change the value in a cell of that column and the row gets updated (BatchUpdate) I receive an error that the value is not a valid DateTime. (see screenshot)
Hi Dave,
I have tested your sample and seems like theres no problem with it. I also have tested some sample of mine based on your scenario.
Please add my sample inside the WebGridSamples project. Replace the WebServices under the App_Code with mine then please try my sample since you need to use the connection to the webservices there.
Let me know if it works or not, everything was fine on my side.
Hope this helps.
Hi Mario,
I'm able to replicate your issue on my side. I will follow this matter to the developer team. I will as soon there is any news from the developer team.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Best regards,
Niven Prasetya
Was there ever a solution to this issue? I am running into the same problem.
I have forward this issue to the developer and I still don't get any news. I will follow up this issue again and will give you any news as soon as the developer give me a reply.
Deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
The error that I see is: " {"Message":"$59.96 is not a valid value for Decimal..."
Because the "$" is being sent over to the server. That formatting needs to be removed before sending the data to the server.
I have talked with the developer team, they said all issues will be fix when we are done with the release of support site, we have been busy with the preparation of the releasing support site and documentation for ClientUI 2010.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi Niven,
When will that be, this week?
Is this a bug?
Yes, I'm can't give you any time frame but it should be this week. Please be patiance I will give you any news when there is an update for this issue.
I just heard a news regarding this issue.
Actually this is not a bug.
You need to set the Grid's culture to match the data format string. Otherwise, the .NET framework doesn't understand which format that submitted to it.
What is the Grid's "culture"? Can you provide an example?Thanks,Dave
I updated the culture setting for my grid:
I then added the currency dataformat to one field:
I am still getting the error: Message":"$293,503.00 is not a valid value for ...
Set the WebGrid's Culture property to en-US and Language property to UseCulture under TextSettings.
Below is the snippet code:
<LayoutSettings AllowAddNew="Yes" AllowDelete="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" Culture="en-US"> <TextSettings Language="UseCulture"> </TextSettings> </LayoutSettings>
EDIT: I have attached my simple sample code.
This does not work for me. I am still getting the same error: Message":"$0.09 is not a valid value for Decimal...
Here is my grid:
<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" Height="400px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100$ispct;" DefaultStyleMode="Win7" ViewStateStorage="None" StateRestorationLevel="Low" BindingOperationMode="ClientBinding"> <LayoutSettings AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowMultipleSelection="Yes" AllowDelete="Yes" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowColumnFreezing="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" PagingLoadMode="Custom" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" VirtualPageSize="20" PagingSize="15" PagingDataRetrievalMode="ReturnPartialRows" AllowBatchUpdate="false" RowHeightDefault="30" PagingStyleUI="Slider" MarkDefaultValuesAsDirty="false" VerboseEditingInformation="true" NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysUpdate" FocusNewRowOnLastCell="true" AutoFilterSuggestion="true" ShowFilterStatus="true" VirtualLoadMode="LargeData" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="No" GroupRowInfoFormatDefault="[caption]: [value] ([count])" AllowDefaultStyleMerging="true" GroupByBoxVisible="true" Culture="en-US"> <FreezePaneSettings ActiveFrozenColumns="5" MaxFrozenColumns="6" /> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterExitEditMode="WebGridAfterExitEdit" OnColumnContextMenu="OnColumnContextMenu" OnRowContextMenu="OnRowContextMenu" onrowvalidate="WebGrid1_OnRowValidate" OnEditKeyDown="WebGrid1_OnEditKeyDown"></ClientSideEvents> <HeaderStyle Height="35px" Wrap="False" /> <ImageSettings ExpandImage="GroupPlus11.gif" CollapseImage="GroupMinus11.gif" /> <GroupRowInfoStyle ForeColor="Black" Height="22px"> </GroupRowInfoStyle> <TextSettings Language="UseCulture"></TextSettings> </LayoutSettings> <RootTable DataKeyField="PricingDrugCurrentTherapyDosingID" Caption="Dosings" GroupTotalVisible="true"> <Columns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Country" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Country" Name="Country" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricingDrug" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Pricing Drug" Name="PricingDrug" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Strength" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Strength" Name="Strength" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Package" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Package" Name="Package" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="UnitDescriptor" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Unit Descriptor" Name="UnitDescriptor" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="ATC4" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="ATC4" Name="ATC4" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="CombinedMolecule" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Combined Molecule" Name="CombinedMolecule" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="BrandGeneric" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="BrandGeneric" Name="BrandGeneric" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Company" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Company" Name="Company" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Product" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Product" Name="Product" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="LaunchDate" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Launch Date" Name="LaunchDate" DataType="System.DateTime" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="MM/dd/yyyy" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Form1" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Form1" Name="Form1" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Form3" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Form3" Name="Form3" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="ExManSales" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="ExManSales" Name="ExManSales" DataType="decimal" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="UnitSales" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Unit Sold" Name="UnitSales" DataType="decimal" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="UnitType" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="UnitType" Name="UnitType" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="AutoWeight" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Auto-Weights" Name="AutoWeight" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="MyWeight" Caption="MyWeight" Name="MyWeight" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DoseUnitsPerReportedPrice" Caption="DoseUnitsPerReportedPrice" Name="DoseUnitsPerReportedPrice" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DoseUnitsPerAdminDay" Caption="DoseUnitsPerAdminDay" Name="DoseUnitsPerAdminDay" DataType="decimal"/> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="MgPerDoseUnit" Caption="MgPerDoseUnit" Name="MgPerDoseUnit" DataType="decimal"/> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="MgPerAdminDay" Caption="MgPerAdminDay" Name="MgPerAdminDay" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DaysDurationOfDose" Caption="DaysDurationOfDose" Name="DaysDurationOfDose" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerUnit" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerUnit" Name="PricePerUnit" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="$0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerDoseUnit" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerDoseUnit" Name="PricePerDoseUnit" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerAdminDay" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerAdmin" Name="PricePerAdminDay" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerTreatedDays" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerTreatedDays" Name="PricePerTreatedDays" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Comments" Name="Comments" Caption="Comments" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricingDrugCurrentTherapyDosingID" Name="PricingDrugCurrentTherapyDosingID" Visible="False" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="IMSDrugID" Name="IMSDrugID" Visible="False" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricingDrugForecastCountryID" Name="PricingDrugForecastCountryID" Visible="False" /> </Columns> <GroupedColumns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridGroup ColumnMember="Country" SortOrder="Ascending" /> </GroupedColumns> </RootTable> <ClientBindingSettings DataLoadMode="PagedData" DataSourceType="WebService" PreloadGroupTotals="true" ItemTypeName="PricingDrugDosing" ServiceUrl="WS_PriceForecasterServices.asmx" EnableGroupRowPaging="true" GroupRowPageSize="20"> <ServiceEvents Selecting="GetCustomers_Selecting" /> <ServiceMethods DeleteMethod="deleteGridCurrentTherapyDosingByVersion" SelectMethod="getPagedCurrentTherapyDosingByVersion" UpdateMethod="updateGridCurrentTherapyDosingByVersion" /> </ClientBindingSettings> </ISWebGrid:WebGrid>
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