Configuraing Grid With Row Lines

3 replies. Last post: June 27, 2011 3:42 AM by Yudi
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A YousifMember

We use the grids extensively in our application and only in a few cases do we need to do some manipulation that is a bit out of the norm when it comes to the data.  We have a couple read only grids that we need to configure using a different style row line to separate some data segments.  The Alert column is nicely configured using the conditional formatting, however, without the "diving" lines (see grid configuration summary.jpg) the data would be run together and a bit more difficult to read.

Our normal grids (see normal grid.jpg), for comparison, are fine because they just process the data which is sortable and all that so no issues there.

So the question is can we create a configuration where the data is seperated by the darker horizontal lines, that in the image create the 4 sections?  Can conditional formatting be used to format an entire row to have a bottom border of a certain color?  Thank you.


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