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How do I get the selected value in c# from the selected code below. using c#
<ComboBox Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="11" Height="29" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="88,3,0,0" Name="strDOBMM" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="103" BorderBrush="#FF3A9ADF"> <ComboBoxItem Content="January" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="Feburary" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="March" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="April" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="May" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="June" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="July" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="August" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="September" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="October" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="November" /> <ComboBoxItem Content="December" /> </ComboBox>
I've tried .selectedvalue and .selecteditem and neither works.
Many thanks
function GetSelectedRow() { var WebCombo1 = ISGetObject("WebCombo1"); var result = WebCombo1.Value alert(result); }
Please have review on my sample and let me know your response.Thank you.Regards,Hans.
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