Column Resizing After Post Back

3 replies. Last post: June 21, 2012 11:50 PM by Hans Kristian
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Ahmed DajaniMember


I'm having a problem with my webgrid columns resizing after postback. I've attached a before an after image to illustrate the problem. During the loading of the page, I add the rows in the code behind. I then post back to the server for processing, and rebind the grid. Code is below:

<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="wbCompareResults" runat="server" Height="75%" Width="100%" UseDefaultStyle="true" EnableWebResources="Always"
            <RootTable GridLineStyle="NotSet">
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" Width="35px" AllowSizing="No" /> 
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="35px" Name="Tran" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="50px" Name="Num" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="10px" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="50px" Name="LT" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="10px" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="50px" Name="BT" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="10px" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="50px" Name="BC" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Text" Width="10px" AllowSizing="No" />
                    <%--<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" IsAutoWidth="true" AllowSizing="Yes" Name="Description" Caption="Description" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" IsAutoWidth="true" AllowSizing="Yes" Name="Field" Caption="Field" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" IsAutoWidth="true" AllowSizing="Yes" Name="Value" Caption="Value" />--%>
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" Width="725px" AllowSizing="Yes" Name="Description" Caption="Description" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" Width="110px" AllowSizing="Yes" Name="Field" Caption="Field" />
                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ColumnType="Custom" Width="110px" AllowSizing="Yes" Name="Value" Caption="Value" />
            <LayoutSettings AllowEdit="No" 
                <AlternatingRowStyle CustomRules="text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;" Wrap="false" BackColor="White" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Arial Monospaced"></AlternatingRowStyle>
                <RowStyle CustomRules="text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;" Wrap="false" BackColor="White" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Arial Monospaced"></RowStyle>

Code behind - this is what is execute after the post back:

''' <summary>
    ''' binds this list to the grid
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="results"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub BindGrid(ByVal results As List(Of String()))
        ' Note (XXX): we can't bind the grid by simply setting the datasource property since this is a list of string arrays
        ' we have to iterate through the list and add each row manually
        If results IsNot Nothing Then
            For i As Integer = 0 To results.Count - 1
                Dim data As String() = results(i)
                Me.wbCompareResults.RootTable.Rows().Add(New ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.WebGridRow(data))
        End If
    End Sub

Everything seems to bind just find, but my first row is never sized as it was.

Thanks for your help!

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