Clear grid data from client side

6 replies. Last post: October 26, 2009 10:20 PM by Mark Paladino
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I have a webgrid on my page in a web dialog box. The page also has a few hyperlinks on it and whenever you click on a hyperlink the web dialog box will be shown and the web grid will be populated with data via the RefreshAll() client side function.

The situation I have is that if you click one hyperlink, the dialog box and the grid will be shown with the correct data. If you then click a second hyperlink the dialog box and grid are shown again but in the grid you can still see the data from the previous instance of the grid before it gets refreshed to the correct data.

My question is how can I get the grid to clear all its data before the web dialog box is shown and still have RefreshAll() called after the the ShowDialog() method is called so the user can see that the grid is loading data without actually seeing the old data? I need to be able to do this from the client side. Can it be done directly from the client or do i nedd to call something that will invoke a server side event?

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