Auto Scroll Selected Row Into View On Page Load

4 replies. Last post: October 14, 2011 9:05 AM by A Yousif
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A YousifMember

Our customers need a feature in our grid but I can't find how to scroll into view the selected item.  We can't use RestoreRowSelection because this only works on fly post backs.

In our case, the user selects a row, clicks Edit on our menu and is taken to an edit page where they can save or cancel after which they're taken back to the grid/list.

I've been able to select the row they selected when they come back by tracking the key value of the item and then setting row object's Selected property to true when I match the key value in the OnInitializeRow.  However, the grid selects the row, but does NOT bring it into view.

I can't find a way to do this and need help ASAP please as we need to get this working by tomorrow.  Thank you.

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