An unwanted textbox is seen when delete or addnew option turned on in Mozilla

8 replies. Last post: September 14, 2009 1:02 AM by Erika
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Xedem Member


  Am attaching a sample right here. Click on the webgrid u could see a dotted line surrounding it. And the line moves through other table or td or whatever. The reason is that when addnew or delete is enabled in a webgrid, a textbox appears and textbox has absolute position attribute added to it. See both the screenshots. I have put firebug console in the screenshot so that you could easily see which textbox is causing the problem. On the second screenshot, i removed position:absolute attribute and the textbox moves to the bottom of the webgrid. If i put display:none option for the element style. It works fine. In fact i tried to loop through javascript to identify controls of type text and id ending with the name webgridname_Moz and put display:none. And i checked adding rows to grid and it works fine. So i dont understand the purpose of a visible textbox there. U can check the presence of this line in any of your live samples with editing enabled and could use firebug to locate the same textbox. Please rectify the problem.  And one more -> Its a very teadious process to attach more than one file in FF. Sometimes even though it shows uploaded, it wont work. Sometimes i may have to repeat the uploading to 2 or 3 times. But works fine in IE7

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