web desektop Msgbox Shadow error

8 replies. Last post: February 8, 2010 10:44 PM by Glenn Layaar
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I just updated to 2009 r2 web desktop and just like my other troble ticket webdesktop 3.0 [IS-0A764A68-505F-4DFC-A0F2-D2F1CDDE4DB4]


The web dialog box shadow appears in front of the message box and you are unable to click ok.

This time, the issue is just a bit different then the last ticket I opened. You have to click the message box one time, it works as designed, you close it and click on the button again and that is where it errors.

code behind:


WebDialogBox.EnsureWebDialogBoxScripts(this);ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "<script>msgbox('Please Select a Bucket.','Select a Bucket')</script>", false);


Java script:

function msgbox(text, header) { //message box WebDialogBox1


var activeWin = ISGetActiveWindow(); var nameofwin = activeWin.Name; /* important: get existing instance if already existed to avoid duplicate instances */ var dialogBox = ISGetObject(nameofwin); if (dialogBox == null) {

dialogBox = CreateWebDialogBox(nameofwin);

dialogBox.UseWebResourcesForClient =
true; /* styles need to be set before other settings, notes that the css classes are defined in DialogBox.css */

dialogBox.WindowSettings.CaptionButtonStyle = new DynamicStyle("CaptionButton-Normal", "CaptionButton-Over", "CaptionButton-Active");

dialogBox.WindowSettings.CaptionStyle = new DynamicStyle("Caption-Normal", "Caption-Over", "Caption-Active"); dialogBox.WindowSettings.WindowStyle =

new DynamicStyle("CaptionButton-Normal", "CaptionButton-Over", "CaptionButton-Active");

dialogBox.WindowSettings.CaptionStyle = new DynamicStyle("Caption-Normal", "Caption-Over", "Caption-Active"); dialogBox.WindowSettings.WindowStyle =

new DynamicStyle("Caption-Normal", "Caption-Over", "Caption-Active"); dialogBox.WindowSettings.WindowStyle = new DynamicStyle("Window-Normal", "Window-Over", "Window-Active"); dialogBox.WindowSettings.CommandButtonStyle = new DynamicStyle("Command-Normal", "Command-Over", "Command-Active"); dialogBox.WindowSettings.ContainerStyle = "Window-ContainerStyle"; dialogBox.WindowSettings.EnableFastWindowActivation = true; // dialogBox.WindowSettings.IFrameReadyTransitionEffect = "Pixelate";


/* Uncomment the following code if you want the dialog box to be integrated into Desktop Manager */

dialogBox.IntegratedToDesktopManager = true;

true; // dialogBox.ImagesDiectory= "//CommonLibrary//Images//WebDesktop//"; dialogBox.EnableAnimation = true; /* Create command buttons for the dialog box */ dialogBox.CommandButtons.Add(new WebDialogBoxButton("btnOK", "OK", DialogResult.OK)); // dialogBox.CommandButtons.Add(new WebDialogBoxButton("btnCancel", "Cancel", DialogResult.Cancel)); // dialogBox.DialogBoxImage ="Error"; /* Set content template must be called after styles and command buttons have been defined */ // dialogBox.SetContentTemplate(text); // dialogBox.ClientSideEvents.OnClosed = DialogBox_OnClosed;



dialogBox.Text = header;

/* Show the dialog box */ //dialogBox.AnimationStyle = "VistaStyleZoom";

dialogBox.EnableDropShadow = true;







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