a problem need help? About using WebFlyPostBackManager and WebGrid can not https mode be accessed

5 replies. Last post: July 3, 2013 2:06 AM by Yudi
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Sun BennyMember


I have a page using WebFlyPostBackManager and WebGrid,

But I found using https access, you can not run 'fpb.ToolbarAddtoTray' function (Sourcecode see SourceCode_1/2.jpg, Error Page see Error_1.jpg), but when the http access, it is normal.

from the Error_1.jpg, we can see that always submitting all changes to server.

Can you help me? thanks.

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Yudi Member

I tried to reproduce the reported problem by creating a simple page based on the provided snippet code shown in the SourceCode_1.jpg and SourceCode_2.jpg (images are attached on Sun Benny’s initial post on June 20, 2013). I simply follow the essential pattern of the scenario. A JavaScript code will invoke WebFlyPostBackMethod (in server side code). In the WebFlyPostBackMethod, ClearCachedDataSource() and RebindDataSource() methods of WebGrid are executed.

Next, the project is deployed on a SSL-enabled Web Site. The Web Site uses Self-Signed Certificate as the SSL certificate.

Unfortunately, my efforts were not successful. Everything worked smoothly and the sample page was accessed without any issues.

I enclosed the sample page to be evaluated on your end. Should you have different result, please feel free to let us know.

PS: if necessary, you may modify the sample and have them sent back to us for further investigation.

Sun BennyMember


Thanks your reply.

I can run normally for your Demo program.

My source code with your Demo almost the same logic, but not Running properly.

Last time I reported a few errors (images Error_2.jpg),

I found my Web site certificate error, whether because of its sky.

The same page, just under the https access is wrong, accessed at http is correct.

1 attachment
Yudi Member

Thank you very much for the prompt reply.

Since I was unable to reproduce the reported problem in my local end, it would be much helpful if you could send me a simple sample which replicates the problematic behavior.

Should you find anything that I missed during my attempt to reproduce the problem, please feel free to let me know.

Sun BennyMember


Thank you for your quick reply.

I carefully analyzed again, most likely a page where controls or scripts cause.

Can you help me find out what the problem?

The page, just under the https access is wrong (images Error_2.jpg), accessed at http is correct.

Yudi Member

Thank you very much for the sent code.

Since the sent page is not run-able, I continue my investigation by test each control in a simple page and then combine them in a page. Unfortunately, I was still unable to reproduce the reported problem.

I sent you a message to your registered email account. Please kindly check your inbox and let me hear your response.

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