lost my webstylemanager after installing fresh sp1 2009

4 replies. Last post: September 7, 2009 12:54 AM by Yaniv Riezman
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is there any way to get webstylemanager , after i removed intersoft 2008 and installed fresh copy of sp1 2009 no stylemanager found

so can i download webstylemanager, desktop 2.5 wont install beacuse 3.0 is installed.



You can download the WevStyleManager at the following link http://www.intersoftpt.com/tdn/downloads/IS_WebStyleManager.zip. You need to copy the content of the zip file to C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebDesktop.NET 3.0\Bin.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

All Replies

Hello Yaniv,

Thanks for pointing out this issue. Yes, it appears that WebStyleManager was inadvertently excluded in the service pack installation.

We'll provide the standalone, downloadable WebStyleManager in this thread by next week.


Providing the most excellent technical support for Intersoft customers. Your satisfaction is our success.

it will be great.


You can download the WevStyleManager at the following link http://www.intersoftpt.com/tdn/downloads/IS_WebStyleManager.zip. You need to copy the content of the zip file to C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebDesktop.NET 3.0\Bin.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

thx gordon

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