error websplitter.js object required

11 replies. Last post: March 16, 2010 10:18 PM by Andi Santoso
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Hamdy GhanemMember

I have a page exactly like windows recyclebin

the problem is whene I open this page it gives me a havascriot error websplitter.js object required

put the page has no solitter

it has only the WebPaneManager

1 attachment

Hi Hamdy,

    Yes, I am also using the same build as yours, however the issue is not replicated in my end. Does it occur after the page load before you clicked anything?Do you use our SmartWebResources or willing not to use it and use the CommonLibrary Folder? 

    If you want to use our SmartWebResources, have you registered our SmartWebResources yet ? If not, you can try to do so by right click in design mode on the WebDesktop and choose the Register SmartWebResources. If you do not want to use our SmartWebResources, could you kindly do a print screen on your properties that show the ScriptDirectory path and your solution explorer please?

    I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.

Best Regards,

Andi Santoso

it is happening after page load and b4 I touch any thing or move the mouse
I am using CommonLibrary 

Hi Hamdy,

     Could you kindly send me a screenshot that contains of the WebPaneManager SharedScriptDirectory and ScriptDirectory, as well as your solution explorer please ? Because I am afraid that your directory is not pointing into the right direction. I have tried to use Common Library instead of SmartWebResources and the error of java script is not persisted.

     Thank you and have a nice day.

Best Regards,

Andi Santoso

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