Webpane collapse

7 replies. Last post: September 10, 2012 12:40 AM by Yudi
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Ricardo ReisMember

I have a page with WebPaneManager and inside i have 2 WebPanes.


Im trying to load the page with the first pane collapsed, but i've not been successfull.


In page onload im doing:


var paneManager = ISGetObject("WebPaneManager1"); var pane = paneManager.GetPaneByName("menus");


if (pane.IsCollapsed() == false) {

// not collapsed



The pane.collapse() method is not working.


Tanks for the help

All Replies

Hi Ricardo,


I am doing a test by using the same code exactly as yours. But your code works fine which means the "menus" pane collapsed appropriately. I used client-side function window::onload and OnInitialize. Here I attach my working sample based on your code, could you try it on your place and let me know if your issue still persist or no? If it possible, can you send me a sample project that replicate your issue? It will help me in investigating your issue further.

And also please don't forget to update the latest hotfix. Thank you.


Best Regards,


Tank you Julia for the reply.

I've tryed your file in my project and still doesnt work.

Maybe we have different versions of the WebUI Studio.

Mine is WebUI Studio 2009 R2.

Best regards,


Hi Ricardo,


I am using the same 2009 R2 WebUI Studio. Could you inform me in which browser that you got the error? Also your environment (e.g Operating System) and deployment or development server?




Hello Julia,


Im using windows vista 64 bits and Internet explorer 8. I've also tried internet explorer with compatibility mode and still the error ocurred.

I've also tried in firefox.


Best regards,




Hi Ricardo,


There should be no problem with your environment. Since there was no hints of your issue, it seems that it should be investigated by using remote desktop. If you agree, you can send your remote desktop credencial to technical@intersoftpt.com, with confirmation of when will be the best time to remote your PC. I will be available from Monday to Friday at 8 AM - 5 PM, GMT +7. Thank you.



I have the same problem with 2009 R2. I have tested your example and it does not work, as you state.

Yudi Member

WebDesktop development team has managed to fix the reported problem. The fix has been released on January 21, 2011.

I re-test the reported problem using WebDesktop 3 build 440 and WebUI.NET Framework 3.0 build 805. The VariousClientSideObjectSamples.aspx sample file is used as the test page. This sample file is available in WebDesktop sample or you can try the live version in http://live.intersoftpt.com/cs/WebDesktop/WebPaneManager/VariousClientSideObjectSamples.aspx. I found that the problem is no longer persisting. When user clicks “Collapse the Left Pane” or “Expand the Left Pane” button, the Expand() and Collapse() method works without any issues.

Please try to update the assembly files using Intersoft Update Manager application and feel free to let us know if you have different result.

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