WebMenuBar as Graphical Website Menu, can MenuCommand open onMouseOver?

2 replies. Last post: January 13, 2010 4:38 PM by Scott French
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Scott FrenchMember


We have implemented the WebMenuBar along with a WebTab to work as a graphical navigation for our application. Everything so far is working great and the implementation was pretty quick and easy. The only thing left that I have not figured out how to do is have the MenuCommand activate onMouseOver instead of onClick. Currently you click a main heading (this is a WebTab) inside each tab is a WebMenuBar that has been dynamically created using database objects. In our previous system this next level would be accessed by mousing over the text. Using the WebMenuBar you have to actually click the MenuCommand in order to drop down the list of child menu objects (WebMenuItems). Since there is already a click at the WebTab level we would like to avoid any more clicks until the page being navigated to is chosen. Is there a way to alter the MenuCommand settings so they will open up on a mouse over instead of the standard mouse click?

Thanks in advance for any feedback or direction!
Scott French

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