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I am using a WebPane. How do I get the InProgressText to show up when loading the pages from the BarItemClick client event. Here is my sample code below. When using the .SetText, I get a error.
This error message is quite odd and we have not received such reports so far. I tried to reproduce the problem in our local tests by using the sample reference file in WebDesktopSamples project -- everything worked smoothly and the precompiled content was accessed without any issues.
We are willing to advise you further but in order to do so we would need you to elaborate on your specific scenario and possibly give us a step-by-step guide that we can use to observe the problematic behavior.
The problem is the InProgressText is only showing the first time the page loads. Here is my code.
<ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager ID="WebPaneManager1" runat="server" Height="92%" Width="100%"> <FrameStyle BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="White" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#404040" BackColor="#E0E0E0"> <Padding Top="4px" Left="4px" Bottom="4px" Right="4px"></Padding> </FrameStyle> <PaneSettings HeaderVisible="No"> <HeaderSubStyle BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor2="White" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gray" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" BackColor="#E0E0E0" GradientType="Vertical"> <Padding Top="4px" Left="4px" Bottom="4px" Right="4px"></Padding> </HeaderSubStyle> <InfoTextStyle ForeColor="White" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Tahoma"> </InfoTextStyle> <ContainerStyle BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gray" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" BackColor="White" Overflow="Auto" OverflowX="Auto" OverflowY="Auto"> <Padding Top="4px" Left="4px" Bottom="4px" Right="4px"></Padding> </ContainerStyle> <HeaderMainStyle BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="White" BackColor2="LightGray" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gray" Font-Size="11pt" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Bold="True" BackColor="DimGray" GradientType="Vertical"> <Padding Top="4px" Bottom="4px" Right="1px" Left="1px"></Padding> </HeaderMainStyle> </PaneSettings> <RootGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Image="/CommonLibrary/Images/WebDesktop/" Name="RootGroup"> <Panes> <ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Name="GroupPane0" Text="GroupPane 0"> <Panes> <ISWebDesktop:WebPane Name="Pane0" Text="Pane 0" Width="Custom" WidthValue="10%" AllowCollapse="Yes"> <ContentTemplate> <ISWebDesktop:WebNavPane ID="WebNavPane1" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" BarVisible="3" OnBarItemClick="NavPane_BarItemClick" OnBarClick="OnActiveBarChanged" Name="paneTopic" > <BarItemSettings DisplayMode="Text" TargetWindow="paneContent"> <ItemStyle> <Active CssClass="clsOverActiveHyperlink"> </Active> <Over Font-Bold="true"> </Over> <Normal CssClass="clsOverTopicHyperlink" Overflow="Hidden" Cursor="Hand"> </Normal> </ItemStyle> <ItemsContainerStyle Width="100%" Font-Size="8.25pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" Height="100%" Overflow="Auto" OverflowY="Auto"> <Padding Top="4px" Left="4px" Bottom="4px"></Padding> </ItemsContainerStyle> </BarItemSettings> <BarSettings > <CaptionStyle ForeColor="White" BackColor2="245, 245, 245" Font-Size="11pt" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Bold="True" BackColor="Gray" Overflow="Hidden"> <Padding Top="4px" Left="2px" Bottom="4px" Right="2px"></Padding> </CaptionStyle> <BarStyle> <Active BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="LightGray"> </Active> <Over BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="LightSteelBlue"> </Over> <Normal BackColor2="245, 245, 245" Font-Size="8.25pt" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Bold="True" BackColor="White" GradientType="Vertical" Overflow="Hidden" Cursor="Hand"> </Normal> </BarStyle> </BarSettings> <Bars> <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar CaptionDisplayMode="Text" Name="MyWork" Text="My Work" > <Items> <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBarItem DisplayMode="Text" Text="Recently Opened" /> </Items> </ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar> <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar CaptionDisplayMode="Text" Name="Admin" Text="Admin"> <Items> <ISWebDesktop:WebNavBarItem DisplayMode="Text" Text="Admin" /> </Items> </ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar> </Bars> <FrameStyle BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Silver" BackColor="White"> </FrameStyle> <FooterSettings> <FooterStyle BackColor2="220, 220, 220" HorizontalAlign="Right" BackColor="White" GradientType="Vertical" Overflow="Hidden"></FooterStyle> </FooterSettings> <GripStyle> <Active BackColor2="0, 0, 0" BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="Gray"> </Active> <Over BaseStyle="Normal"> </Over> <Normal BackColor2="128, 128, 128" BackColor="LightGray" GradientType="Vertical" Overflow="Hidden"> </Normal> </GripStyle> </ISWebDesktop:WebNavPane> </ContentTemplate> </ISWebDesktop:WebPane> <ISWebDesktop:WebPane ContentMode="UseIFrame" ContentURL="./MainMRU.aspx" Name="paneDetails" Text="Recently Opened" AllowResize="Yes" AllowCollapse="Yes" InProgressText="Loading Recently Opened"> </ISWebDesktop:WebPane> </Panes> </ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane> </Panes> </RootGroupPane> <SplitterStyle > <Active BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="Black"> </Active> <Over BaseStyle="Normal"> </Over> <Normal BackColor="#E0E0E0"> </Normal> </SplitterStyle> </ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager>
function OnActiveBarChanged(id, bar) { var navPane = ISGetObject("WebNavPane1"); var navBar = navPane.GetActiveBar();
NavPane_BarItemClick(id, bar.GetActiveBarItem()); }
function NavPane_BarItemClick(id, barItem) { var paneMgr = ISGetObject("WebPaneManager1"); var dtlPane = paneMgr.GetPaneByName("paneDetails"); var appName = barItem.Parent.Text;
switch (appName) { case "Admin": dtlPane.SetContentURL("./adminRequest.aspx"); break; case "My Work": dtlPane.SetContentURL("./MainMRU.aspx"); break; } }
Thank you for the snippet code.
I have reported this to WebDesktop development team to be investigated further. A work item, work item 796, has been submitted to the team. I’ll keep you updated with any news I heard from the team regarding this.
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