Loading WebMenuBar Items Right Justified

7 replies. Last post: June 6, 2011 4:47 AM by Lili Khiung
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A YousifMember

Our current WebMenuBar control is now being used to replace an old control.  We need it on the right side of the page and for the items to be right justified and would prefer not to have the extra spacing where there are no menus.  Essentially just the menu items.

Attached are examples of how it comes up currently (CurrentMenu), how we'd prefer it to come up (PreferredMenu) and how we'd prefer it without the extra spacing (PreferredMenuNoLeadSpacing).

Would you kindly provide an example of how to achieve what we prefer?  Thank you.

[EDIT] I forgot to mention this.  We also need to have the default menu item in bold but I can't seem to find how to configure the style of each menu item individually as I'm building the menu items dynamically.

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