Issues/bugs with WebCallOut when using FPBM

3 replies. Last post: March 11, 2010 4:09 AM by Yudi
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I've attached a zip file with 3 samples that demonstrate problems/bugs/issues/whatever with WebCallOut when using FPM.

File FPBMIssue1demonstrates a problem when the target is hidden and then showed again. There was a bug that caused the button event not to fire. That has been fixed in a hotfix. But the WebCallOut no longer shows.

File FPBMIssue2 demonstrates a kludge that fixes the problem found in FPBMIssue1. Really, this workaround is not acceptable since it will be very hard to maintain and requires lots of extra code.

File FPBMIssue3 is an enhancement to FPBMIssue2. This sample shows that the workaround used in FPBMIssue2 fails when the WebCallOut uses a TEMPLATE.

Looking forward to a quick response since we are able to make any progress with these bugs.


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