Height Issues for WebGrid when inside a WebTab

7 replies. Last post: November 15, 2010 2:26 AM by Andi Santoso
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Scott FrenchMember


In the process of upgrading to the 2009 version of the IS controls we have run into this error. When a WebGrid is placed inside a WebTab there is a problem with the height. The grid will initially load with one height, then if you sort or refresh the grid the height will shrink down about 40 pixels. This happens consistently across our entire application. I don't know if it is a wrong setting or just a bug but I could use some feedback on how to correct this issue.

I've attached an example. Here are the steps to reproduce:

1.       Download and unzip the attached sample.

2.       Open the sample in Visual Studio and select default.aspx to ‘View in Browser’.

3.       When the page opens click on the second tab.

4.       Note the height of the grid.

5.       Click any of the header columns to sort the grid.

6.       The grid will shrink in height considerably.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Scott French

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