checked webcombo with previous selections already selected.

1 reply. Last post: April 19, 2010 7:58 AM by Yudi
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Here is my situation -

1. I have several webcombos added to 3 columns of intersoft webgrid.

2. These webcombos are now in mutiselect mode and unbound mode. User need to check the checkbox to select the choices.

3. After clicking save button in the toolbar the grid saves the choices.

4. My requirement is - When the grid is edit mode and I am going to edit the webcombo type column's cell, the webcombo should auto check the previous choices those I made before.

5. If I add one more choice then the choice will be added to the existing choices.

6. I need the checkbox so is there any way to add checkbox in bound mode.

Is there any way to check the checkbox from client side? which the right event for that.

I tried to OnShowDropDown event but I could not find the methods.

Give me some feedback. Its been long time Im dealing with this problem.


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