Changing Font Color of Title Text in WebCoverFlow

2 replies. Last post: March 26, 2010 7:57 AM by Brad McBride
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Brad McBrideMember

In all of the examples I've looked at, the color of the title and subtitle text in the coverflow controls have been white. What property changes the color of the text used by the title and subtitle fields? I have my coverflow on a white background and can't see the text because it is also white. Here is the XAML that defines the grid I am using. I have also removed any reflection from the coverflow items and included the XAML I am using to do that.

<ISNet_Silverlight_WebAqua:WebCoverFlow x:Name="coverFlow" ShowFullScreenButton="False"
ShowSlideShowButton="False" TitleVisibility="True" SubTitleVisibility="True"
Foreground="Black" ColorTheme="White" BorderThickness="1" PerspectiveTop="0.25"
PerspectiveBottom="15" CoverSize="280" Offset="0.95" PerspectiveMode="Perspective"
BorderBrush="Black" ReflectionBackgroundColor="White" StartUpPosition="First"
ItemSpace="40" Grid.Row="10" Margin="8,8,30,18" ShowScrollBar="False" Height="250">
      <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,0.75" StartPoint="0.5,0.25">
         <GradientStop Color="Transparent"/>
         <GradientStop Color="Transparent" Offset="1"/>

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