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Thank you very much, problem solved
This url cannot be accessed 。tkank you!
i can't download you attachments.
can you give me a sample for Android. thank you.This is what I want.I have no idea with the android development。
When I am through “ this.NavigationService.Navigate<MachineTimeViewModel>();”The navigation view ,not find "MachineTimeViewModel"。"DataListViewModelBase" Can be achieved by "this.NavigationService.Navigate<>"navigation ?
namespace MyInventory.ViewModels{ public class MachineTimeViewModel: DataListViewModelBase<Item, IItemRepository> { private ItemQueryDefinition _queryDefinition = null; public MachineTimeViewModel() { // configure data behaviors this.EnableRefresh = true; this.EnableIncrementalRefresh = true; this.EnableIncrementalLoading = true; this.EnableAsyncFilter = true; this.IncrementalLoadingSize = 20; // commands this.LoadIncrementalCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand, CanExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand); } public DelegateCommand LoadIncrementalCommand { get; set; } public override string TitleText { get { if (this.Items != null) return "Inventories (" + this.Items.Count() + ")"; return "Inventories"; } } protected override IQueryDefinition ViewQuery { get { if (_queryDefinition == null) _queryDefinition = new ItemQueryDefinition(); return _queryDefinition; } } private bool CanExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand(object paramater) { return this.EnableIncrementalLoading; } private void ExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand(object parameter) { LoadDataIncremental(); } }}
namespace MyInventory.ViewModels{ public class MachineTimeViewModel: DataListViewModelBase<Item, IItemRepository> { private ItemQueryDefinition _queryDefinition = null; public ItemListViewModel() { // configure data behaviors this.EnableRefresh = true; this.EnableIncrementalRefresh = true; this.EnableIncrementalLoading = true; this.EnableAsyncFilter = true; this.IncrementalLoadingSize = 20; // commands this.LoadIncrementalCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand, CanExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand); } public DelegateCommand LoadIncrementalCommand { get; set; } public override string TitleText { get { if (this.Items != null) return "Inventories (" + this.Items.Count() + ")"; return "Inventories"; } } protected override IQueryDefinition ViewQuery { get { if (_queryDefinition == null) _queryDefinition = new ItemQueryDefinition(); return _queryDefinition; } } private bool CanExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand(object paramater) { return this.EnableIncrementalLoading; } private void ExecuteLoadIncrementalCommand(object parameter) { LoadDataIncremental(); } } }
When I am through “ this.NavigationService.Navigate<MachineTimeViewModel>();”The navigation view ,not find "MachineTimeViewModel"
In the following error As shown in figure
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