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Yudi Member
of 259

Thank you for taking the time to provide the sample. By following the instruction, I was able to reproduce the infinite recursive loop in SetColumnLabelWidth if WebGrid is invisible.

Per my test, the reported problem doesn't persist when Visible property is set to false.

<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid2" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="100%"
    UseDefaultStyle="True" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" Visible="false">

According to the information I got from WebGrid development team, the SetColumnLabelWidth is used to prettify WebGrid column appearance. Preventing this function to work may cause the grid appearing disorderly after set back to visible.

The SetColumnLabelWidth function is called over 2716 times through what appears to be a call from WGUIEngine.RealignSortIndicators(this.RootTable);

Per my test, this behavior doesn't causing the browser to stop responding; or cpu usage increasing; etc. Please feel free to let me know if there is anything that I might miss during my investigation.

Look forward to hearing back from you.

I’m having an issue with 2 of the SVG background-images used on hierarchical records plus and minus icons. It looks like the SVG encoding had an issue of some kind, where it changed a single quote to \”
This causes the icons to not display at all.

Sorry for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you. I have re-generated the web-bootstrap.min.css file and managed to get the icons to display (see screenshot below).

WebGrid plus and minus icon

Please find the updated css file in the attachment (

Hope this helps.

Several months ago, we have released nightly build of WebUI.NET Framework (build 976) which includes the fix for rendering issue of WebUI control on latest Chrome browser; and Safari browser runnning on iOS 10. You can download the nightly build hotfix from here.

Please give it a spin and let us know how it works in your end.

Posted: December 19, 2016 2:04 AM

... This approach has been working since 2010 but has created a new problem in WebGrid 10 I believe due to the changes with using the UseCssFramework in the WebGrid/WebMenu. ...

Basically, the Popup MenuWindowType is created using window.createPopup() method. This MenuWindowType will allow components that used WebMenu Engine such as WebContextMenu, WebMenuBar, WebToolBar, WebDesktopManager and WebNotification will have its window displayed in a special "popup" type when running in Internet Explorer browser.

The main advantage of the "popup" window type is its ability to display its content out of the browser's window boundary. However, Internet Explorer 7.0 has removed this function from "popup" object and introduced limited positioning by design. *For more detail, please check createPopup method page in here.

To overcome this limitation, it is recommended to use the new Normal option for MenuWindowType. This new WindowType solves numerous display and positioning issues that occurred in Internet Explorer 7.0 (and newer). Note that these issues are behavior by design in Internet Explorer 7.0 (and newer) which limits the usage of "popup" object to prevent security issues.

Setting "CommonText/Loaded" to an empty string in order to 'get rid of' the loaded text message will not work since WebGrid will replace it with default loaded text.

... we did didn’t want a loaded text message in our grid ...

You might want to try to do it via JavaScript by obtaining the status bar right element. Following snippet code shows how access the element and set its innerHTML.

function GetStatusBarRightElement() {
    var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");
    var statusBarRightElement = grid.GetElement(WG40.STATUSBARRIGHT, WG40.HTMLCELL);
    statusBarRightElement.innerHTML = "";

    return true;

Hope this helps.

Posted: December 16, 2016 2:35 AM

With all Visual Studio closed, please do the following:

  1. Open License Manager 3.1
  2. Delete currently registered licenses.
  3. Close License Manager 3.1.
  4. Open Registry Editor and find following key: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intersoft Solutions".
  5. Delete the key.
  6. Close Registry Editor
  7. Re-register your product license using License Manager 3.1.

If problem still persist, please let me know.

This even happens in the Intersoft WebGrid example.

Start the investigation by using the same WebGrid live sample rendered on Chrome browser (Version 55.0.2883.87 m). Following steps are performed during the test:

  1. Open Chrome browser and navigate to WebGrid live sample.
  2. Adding a new record in a grid. Fills "2555" into the CompanyName cell of new row.
  3. Move to the right most cell (the Phone cell) then press Tab key to trigger row validation.
  4. Validation fails.
  5. Move mouse over WebGrid column headers.

The reported problem doesn't persist. Please find the video which shows the test in the attachment (

Should you find anything that I might miss during my attempt to reproduce the problem, please feel free to let me know.

Sorry for the delay in sending this.

WebGrid is focused on complete support for client binding in flat Grid mode, to ensure high reliability with existing APIs and feature and best performance in various scenarios. The following features are not supported in version 7, although the architecture has been properly designed to support implementation for those features in the next version:

  • Hierarchical Grid (Child Tables)
  • Self Referencing

Hope this helps.

Posted: December 15, 2016 9:04 AM

Glad to hear the good news.

Should you need further assistance or run into any problems regarding our controls, feel free to contact us through the live chat service or post it into our community. We would be happy to assist you again.

Posted: December 15, 2016 8:51 AM

Sorry for the delay in sending this.

I have prepared a working WebApplication created based on your provided code. Please find in the attachment and let me know whether it helps or not.

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