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T Lusby Member
of 7
Posted: July 13, 2011 1:03 PM


I saw your video showing that it works on your end, but we're still having the issue on our end.   So, I created a video.  Click here for the link.  The start of the video shows getting the files from the file you sent me for the nightly hotfix build, extracting the contents to a WebGridNET7_0_7200_431 folder, moving the files to the common areas of Intersoft solutions folder, and deployment of them.



Posted: July 12, 2011 6:20 PM



This happens when you have have a RowChecker column on a grid.  If you click "all" on the RowChecker column you get this scripting issue.  Our clients are using IE 8.  Please see previous posts.  I've given detail descriptions.  Thanks you!

Posted: July 12, 2011 12:05 PM


I tried the hotfix and this is still an issue. 

Posted: June 29, 2011 12:05 PM


Is anyone looking into this? 

Posted: June 27, 2011 10:06 AM



Our clients use IE 8.  This wasn't a problem before the upgrade.  You can still get this error when you have a pagesize of 30 with the rowchecker column.  In order to stop the javascript error I have to go down to a pagesize of 23 (pagesize>= 24 produces the error see screenshot  Without this column, I can use our normal pagesize of 500.  This cannot be right?  Are you all not supporting IE 8?  The problem seems to be the rowchecker and I notice you all made a change to the rowchecker for this latest release.

Posted: June 23, 2011 10:19 AM


I provided he example ( and steps of how to reproduce in my previous response regarding the error script running slow.  I provided you with the steps as well from the response:

"The problems seems to be the RowChecker column.  I currently have the test to maxcount = 1000 and when you click on RowChecker header OR one row you get the script running slow message.  If I change the maxcount = 30 records, I don't get this problem.  In the code behind of the example you can change the maxcount."

This is a big problem for us, because that we had to role back our upgrade because of this script issue.  We use the RowChecker on several of our grids.  I've included a screenshot of the error using the code above from

As far as the upgrade, I looked at the versions of the computers before sending the question and they all show WebCombo 4.0.7200 and the update manager shows no update for WebCombo.  It acts like it's been updated. 


Posted: June 22, 2011 6:16 PM



I tried your example and I didn't get the same errors.  So, I created a working example of what I'm seeing.  I noticed a couple of things.  I am able to reproduce the scripting running slow issue.  The problems seems to be the RowChecker column.  I currently have the test to maxcount = 1000 and when you click on RowChecker header OR one row you get the script running slow message.  If I change the maxcount = 30 records, I don't get this problem.  In the code behind of the example you can change the maxcount. 


My other question is we have one developer that just received a new box and you all released the current 2011 IS controls.  In this WebCombo 5 is shown for them as well as the Essential.  Everyone else upgraded their controls through the upgrade manager.  WebCombo said it had an update but it didn't show the WebCombo 5 verions/js/dlls.  Why is this?

Posted: November 29, 2010 12:07 PM


I found a workaround.  What I did to get around this issue was I return a dummy row and on the InitializeRow I set that row Visible = false.

Posted: November 29, 2010 9:51 AM

Thanks Gordon,


It appears to be working when there are existing records in the data object that is bound to the grid.  However, if there are no rows two things happen:  1)  I'm not able to save the data.  I get an Communication Error and 2) I see the "There are no rows in this view" as I enter data. 

Any ideas?


I have attached a sample.  I couldn't get it to replicate the Communication Error, but the save just sits there.  I'm also not using a IDataSource either in my actual page.



Thanks for the example; however, I'm unable to run it because I do not have DataSet5 reference.  Also, just to make sure I'm clear with the data shown in the columns.

dropdown1 = would have a type (foreign, domestic, or territory)

dropdown2 = if foreign, then we show a list of countries

if domestic, then we show a list of states

if territory, then we show a list of territories





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