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Throstur Jonsson Member
of 2
Hy Yudi,
The problem was that
<MenuStyleSettings MenuWindowType="Normal" />
was missing in my context menu. "Popup" seems to be the default.

Can you tell me what is the difference and why IE11 is sensitive for this but not Chrome nor FireFox?
Posted: August 15, 2015 10:12 PM
Forget my last post. I have found the main cause for the problem. The problem was that the login-form that included a WebDialogBox is in a web-site with form-authentication, that acutally probibited access to any ISRes.axd resource and thereby the SmartWebResources started behave strangely as the webform loaded it's script from CommonLibray instead.. To solve that I added a authorzation exceptoin in web.config, such:
 <location path="ISRes.axd">
  <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="*"/> </authorization> </system.web> </location>

I still have some IE11 issues on the deployment server regarding WebFlyPostManager and WebContextMenu,  but I will try to solve those before bugging IntersoftPT tech support any further.

Thank you for all the help.

Posted: August 14, 2015 12:48 PM
Yes of course (1 to 5). And I have tripple checked. Here are those read directly from our server:
  1. All runtime licnese keys are set copy/pasted from our licnese.

  2. ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Resources.dll version 9.0.7200.1
    ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.Resources.dll version 4.0.7200.14
    ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.Resources.dll version 6.0.7200.260
    ISNet.WebUI.WebInput.Resources.dll version 4.0.7200.253

  3. ISNet.dll version 3.0.5000.914
    ISNet.WebUI.dll version 3.0.5000.914
    ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll version 3.0.5000.914

  4. ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.dll version 9.0.7200.1
    ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.dll version 4.0.7200.14
    ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.dll version 6.0.7200.260
    ISNet.WebUI.WebInput.dll version 4.0.7200253

  5. ISNet.ActiveReports.Exporting.dll version 5.0.7200.3
    ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ISChartEngine.dll version 9.07200.1

And here is th <system.webServer> setup on the server:
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<add name="ISChart.axd_GET, POST" path="ISChart.axd" verb="GET, POST" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Chart.ChartRequestHandler, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid" preCondition="integratedMode"/>
<add name="ISRes.axd_GET" path="ISRes.axd" verb="GET" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebResourceHandler, ISNet.WebUI, Version=3.0.5000.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1f2a8511635667a" preCondition="integratedMode"/>
<add name="WebFileUploaderHttpHandler.axd_GET" path="WebFileUploaderHttpHandler.axd" verb="GET" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderHttpHandler, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor" preCondition="integratedMode"/>
<add name="WebFileUploaderHttpModule_GET" preCondition="managedHandler" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderHttpModule, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor" />
However I have made some progress: The thing is that the WebDialogBox on the login page was set with EnableWebResources="Never". This actually enabled things to work on my Development Machine.
So I removed it, and then all browser types complain they don't find the WebDesktop resources ("InitWebDialogBox is not defined", etc).
The strange thing is that when I open Deployment Manager from any of the WebUI controls, it shows "Client Resources Mode = Auto" althoug this is the setting in web.confg:
<add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.v4_0_7200.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
...etc same for all the other controls.
What is even more strange, if I press the "Copy SmartWebResourcesto Project Folder" it copies the DLLs to the root folder of the project but not the Bin folder as expected.

End result is that I have to set:
<add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.v4_0_7200.EnableWebResources" value="Never"/>
to get Chrome and FireFox to work, but for IE11 that does not help as it will not find the smart web-resources for other WebUI components.

Posted: August 13, 2015 9:54 AM

Ok I switch to SmartWebResources fully:

  1. I have copied all the .Resource.dll files to the Bin folder
  2. Here is the IS related setup in web.config (on the deployment server)..excluding the Runtime Licens sections of course.
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.ISRes_Registered" value="true" />    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.v3_0_5000.GroupCssStyles" value="true" />        <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebTreeView.v1_0_1500.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebAqua.v2_0_1000.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebInput.v4_0_7200.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebTreeView.v1_0_1500.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.v2_0_1000.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.v4_0_1000.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.v9_0_7200.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebEssentials.v3_0_1000.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.v4_0_7200.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.v6_0_7200.EnableWebResources" value="Always"/>

    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.V4_0_7200.RenderingMode" value="HTML5" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.v9_0_7200.RenderingMode" value="HTML5" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebTreeView.v1_0_1500.RenderingMode" value="HTML5" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.v6_0_7200.RenderingMode" value="HTML5" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebInput.v4_0_7200.RenderingMode" value="HTML5" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.v3_0_5000.OptimizeCss" value="true" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.v3_0_5000.OptimizeCssName" value="true" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.V4_0_2007.XmlCompressionEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V9_0_7200.XmlCompressionEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebInput.v4_0_7200.XmlCompressionEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.v4_0_7200.XmlCompressionEnabled" value="true" />
After this modification, everything works fine using Chrome or FireFox.

BUT IE11 does not work. It manages to pass the login screen that actully has a WebDialogBox, but when it enters the page containing the treeview (Profiler.aspx) and web-combos it fails. Se attahced tow debug images. the A-image (NETWORK) doesnt show anything wrong I think. But take a look at B-image (CONSOLE). IE11 doesnt seem to find the individual Javascript functions in the SmartResources, althoug it GETs the .js files successfully. How come?

PS: After I removed compleetly CommonLibrary folder. IE11 stops on the first request to Intersoft resources:
script>InitWebDialogBox('c_wdlgLogin') 'script' is undefined
But Firefox and Chrome still work 100% ok.
So the problem is that IE11 refuses to use the SmartWebResources, while Chrome and Firefox can use them when browsing the same web site. How can that be?

I can send you a login to the system if you provide me with avalid intersoftpt emal address. Then you can test for your self.

Posted: August 12, 2015 2:06 PM
Hu Yudi, and thank you for your quick response. I appreciate Intersofts fast and good customer support.
First thing. I have not touched WebUI for ASP.Net for many years. So my knowledg is quite rusted now when I have to upgrade all WebUI for, in our application because of IE and Chrome browser problems in the old one. So first things first:
  1. Where is the WebUI for ASP.Net documentation, where I can read about thes Smart Web Resources, etc.
  2. Where do I se if the app (in dev. machine) uses Smart Web Resources or not?
  3. disk-space on our server is no issue. Should I prefere using Smart Web Resources or not?

Find attached the results from IE11 Dev. Tool. It seems that when browsing from IE11 the scripts in CommonLibary can't be I right? But why is that happening for IE11 only but not in Chrome and FireFox? ...

So I added all the stuff from your <appSettings> that where missing in mine (all those script directory refs. and EnableWebResources=never). After that the tree view paints correctly but is not sensing the mouse, when hovering over tree view items or trying to expload an item.
In the IE11 Dev Tool I now get this error only:
"SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'attachEvent'"
"File: WebTreeView.js, Line: 1, Column: 93893"
We are using .NET framework v4.0.304129 on both dev. machine and deployment server.

PS: If it matter, When I deploy I use "Publish Web site" from Visual Studio 2010 that compiles and copy the website to a "precompiled" folder. I copy the content of that folder to the deployment server. Done so for many years with the app with previous version of WebUI components without any problems at all.



Ohhhhh found the problem. The Grid is within a table and divs in the form. IE11 is very sensitive that all those specify style="height:100%" (table, tr, td and div) in HTML5 files. After I took care of this it works in IE11.
How stupid can IE11 be.
Yes as you can se in my code above AutoHeight="true". If I change it to "false" and set Height="250px" instead of "100%" then it works. ... but that is not really what I want. I want it to fill the height of the parent dialog. Therefore I put height to 100% and AutoHeight to true.
That works fine in Chrome and FireFox, but not IE11.

After a lot of struggle I found out that the content page may not have the name detail.aspx. After I changed the name to something else, it worked.
But there is still a problem. I use Client binding (BindingOperationMode="ClientBinding"). It works fine in other browsers than IE11. in IE 11, the rows are retrieved but the grid is shown with all rows collpased hidden (se screenshot, where 169 rows have been populated for both IE11 and Chrome)

I'm really starting hate IE11.

Im using ISnet.WebUI.WebDesktop.dll version 4.0.7200.14, same as you.
Yes Compatibility Mode is disabled
and Document mode is "Edge (Default)" and User agent string is "Default"
I dont know if it changes anything, that the WebButton is located in a:
                    <ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane Name="groupPaneContent">                        <Panes>
                            <ISWebDesktop:WebPane HeaderVisible="No" Name="paneNavigator" Height="Custom" HeightValue="40px" AllowResize="No" ContentPadding-Top="1" ContentScrollable="False">

Posted: August 7, 2015 9:16 AM

Hi and thank you for your response.
I found the problem but I don't understand why the change is needed.
I had to add this into the header section of the html file.

     <style type="text/css">        html, body, form
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0px;
            padding: 0px;

But I already had this code in a CSS flie and included that in the header section such
<link href="~/Css/mainStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
But if I do it that way the tree-view failure hapens when browsing in IE11.
To be sure I have even tried to put nothing else than this needed style into the css file. But even then the problem still happen.


html, body, form
   height: 100%;
   width: 100%;
   margin: 0px;
   padding: 0px;


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