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Tim W Member
of 2

Since I have Multiselect disabled I modified the code to look at value instead of values and it works fine...Thanks


function WebScheduler1_OnEditingFormSave(controlId, action, eventView)
            var s = ISGetObject(controlId);
            var editWindow = s.GetEditingFormWindow();
            var wcCategories = editWindow.ISGetObject("wcCategories");
            if (wcCategories.Value == "")
                alert("Categories can not be Empty");
                return false
            } else

                return true;

The code for hiding the categorize item in the context menu works great..Thanks.

Have you heard back about #2?



I just did some testing with the MultipleSelectionSettings disabled as you described above and here is what I found:

  1. If you don't remove the SeparatorChar property from the wcCategories webcombo then everytime you save the edit form the CategoryID field will append the separator character to the CategoryID and will continue each time you save. (3,,,,,,). When I removed the SeparatorChar property it works fine.
  2. After you disable the MultipleSelectionSettings on the wcCategories webcombo the CategoryID is no longer saved to the RecurringEvents table when you edit an existing recurring event or when you create a new recurring event. I have attached a sample of this issue.

Please let me know how to fix #2.



Ok this worked. However now that the Categories combo multi select is disabled on the editing form how do I remove "Categorize" from the scheduler context menu as it allows the user to multi select the categories? I would like the Edit and Delete context menu items to remain.


Thanks. When will the official hotfix be available to everyone?

Thanks that did the trick.

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