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Suhas TJ Member
Posted: January 5, 2012 7:07 AM

Hi Surya,

I don't think a sample is required. My recent analysis says that it can be identified even in 2 level.

1. Just have a 2 level hierarchical grid which has 300 or more child rows for any of the parent row. For both parent and child check box are rendered.

2. Expand the parent row that has 300 or more child rows and then try to check the parent row.

3. Checking of parent row takes more time (More than 3 to 5 seconds).


If you have any working sample, please try the same scenario. it should be replicable.

Can i get the performance analysis statistics document for web grid? So that we can share it with our clients who reported these issues.

Also if there is any live demo page where in clients can try the check box scenario, it would be great.


Suhas T J

Posted: January 4, 2012 4:23 AM

I have tried that also and performance improvement is not there. As i mentioned in my previous post, i removed all customizations done on Web grid and then tested for the functionality. Clicking top most row when all its child rows are expanded takes time around (4-5 seconds).



Suhas T J

Posted: January 3, 2012 11:55 PM

Actually we are having a custom javascript method to check the check boxes as it is a bug. The execution time of that method is around 2 Seconds excluding check events. Including that it is around 8 seconds.


The demo that i have attached, includs our custom scripts where in i am looping through all the parents and check them if the child is checked and vice versa.


To analyse further, i commented our custom javascript calls and tried the same scenario and found following behavior (Scenario is same as that i have attached in my previous thread).

1. If i do not expand and check parent row, checking operation very fast.

2. If i expand first row and then click on top most row, the performance degrades a bit and so on.


Also after applying the hot fix, i still have the same problems.

Thanks for your support. Please let me know if the fix is ready for issues.


Suhas T J

Posted: January 3, 2012 3:59 AM

Thanks for the help. I will apply the patch and try the scenario again. Please find the video file in attachment where in i have shown the performance issue.


I will update once i finish applying the fix and testing. I will work on the sample and provide it. There might be a delay in providing the sample as we are nearing product release dates.


Thanks a lot,

Suhas T J

Posted: December 30, 2011 4:16 AM

Hi Handy,

in a hierarchical grid of 4 level, to demo, at lease if one of the row for each level should have minimum ten to fifteen rows.


In my scenario, for top most parent row, it has 70 child rows and each child row has 14 child rows and out of 14 childs, one has 2 childs.


In order to expand this structure, it takes more than 15 - 20 seconds.

I have attached the live performance viedeo file. Its a local machine where in i have this issue.

4GB ram

Windows 7 OS

ARM Processor


Posted: December 30, 2011 3:47 AM


Can i get the latest hot fix files? We are using this control as third party control. I do not have the update manager. Can you please assist me on this.



and for the 3rd issue, here is the link. Please go through the replays where it has been mentioned that its an issue.

Posted: November 12, 2010 12:09 AM

Hi Yudi,

      I will try to create the example which you asked and try to replicate the scenario. I will get back to you on tuesday (16th November IST) about the status. Actual Code i cannot share but i will replicate the issue and share it by tuesday. I did not get permission for sharing. 

Thanks a Lot for the reply.  I will get back to you by example project.

Posted: November 10, 2010 11:13 PM

I copied in "Insert Code" block.

Any ways here is the code

<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="NotSet" Width="100$ispct;"

OnInitializeDataSource="WebGrid1_InitializeDataSource" OnInitializeLayout="WebGrid1_InitializeLayout"

OnInitializeRow="WebGrid1_InitializeRow" AllowAutoDataCaching="false" DisableFileSystemChecking="true"

EnableWebResources="never" Height="99$ispct;">

<roottable gridlinestyle="NotSet" caption="List">


<layoutsettings allowexport="yes" alternatingcolors="True" pagingmode="VirtualLoad"

virtualloadmode="Custom" filterbarvisible="false" allowfilter="Yes" gridlinestyle="Solid"

gridlinecolor="#afafaf" cellpaddingdefault="1" rowheightdefault="22px" gridlines="Both"

virtualpagesize="50" autofitcolumns="true" autoheight="false" allowsorting="no"

allowcolumnsizing="Yes" alwaysshowhelpbutton="false">

<HeaderStyle Wrap="false" Overflow="hidden" OverflowX="hidden" OverflowY="hidden" CssClass="GridHeaderStyle"></HeaderStyle>

<ClientSideEvents OnInitialize="OnInitialize" OnRowContextMenu="ShowContextMenu"

OnCellDblClick="DoCellClick" OnRowSelect="RowSelect"></ClientSideEvents>

<FocusCellStyle CssClass="GridFocusCellStyle"/>

<PreviewRowStyle ForeColor="#0000C0"></PreviewRowStyle>


<Active BackColor="RoyalBlue" BaseStyle="Over">


<Over BackColor="CornflowerBlue" BorderColor="Navy" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px">



<Padding Bottom="1px" Left="1px" Right="1px" Top="1px" />



<GroupRowInfoStyle BackColor="#F1EFE2" BorderColor="White" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"

Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt">


<Bottom Color="Silver" />

<Right Color="Silver" />




<LabelStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="Navy" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"

Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" />

<Style BackColor="Gray"></Style>


<EditTextboxStyle BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt">


<FrameStyle GradientType="Vertical" CssClass="GridFrameStyle"></FrameStyle>

<SelectedRowStyle CssClass="GridSelectedRowStyle"></SelectedRowStyle>

<StatusBarStyle CssClass="GridStatusBarStyle">

<Padding Top="0px" Left="0px" Bottom="0px" Right="0px"></Padding>


<RowStyle Overflow="Hidden" OverflowX="Hidden" OverflowY="Hidden" CssClass="GridRowStyle" />

<NewRowStyle CssClass="GridNewRowStyle"></NewRowStyle>

<ScrollBarStyle ArrowColor="255, 192, 192" />

<TextSettings Language="UseCulture">




Posted: November 9, 2010 11:37 PM

Hi Yudi,

Sorry for the late reply. I was on long leave. 

I am using hierarchical grid structure. 

Now Let me explain you clearly. In the Screen shot attached, Lookup1 is a parent item and on double click on that item will show me its child items. The parent child relationship is achieved in DB. No relationship is mentioned for grid. I am attaching you the Aspx code which i used for grid. But simple working example is not possible since it is a huge product.

Scenario :

1. I have a page (Say Grid.aspx), where in i used attached code to create the grid.

2. On load i will show all parent items on the grid.

3. Now if the user double click on some item, the Grid datasource is reloaded with approprate child items of the double clicked item (Parent Item). and so on. (For showing parent / Child items i use same grid in the same page)

4. Now in firefox, if i doubleclick on items, it show corresponding child items but filter bar is invisible.

In Screen Shot:

1. (in parentList.png) item with title "Lookup1" is a parent item. (the item has no child items. so it will show empty grid on double click).

2. I have enabled filter bar and then double click on Parent Item (Lookup1).

3. In IE i get filter bar for child grid also. but in firefox it disappears.

Please note that 

1. I am using hierarchical grid.

2. Same grid will be refreshed and loaded with child items if we click on parent Items.

I am really sorry that, i could not create sample application and share it due to security reasons here.

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