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Srikant Biswal Member
of 3
Posted: May 17, 2010 11:26 PM

Hi Andi,

     Thanks for your replay.  You mean I can not achieve this functionality in current scenario.

Please let me know if there is any work around for this or any hotfix can solve this problem.




Thanks and Regards




Posted: May 13, 2010 4:32 AM

Hi Handy,

      sorry for the late response, reproduce the issue. it is working normally (i.e. if the scheduler is in a parent page). if the scheduler is inside a iframe, contextmenu is not working in comptibility mode of IE8 (IE7). Please Find out the attachment, which includes the code and a databse backup).






Posted: May 12, 2010 2:40 AM

Hi Glenn

    Thanks for your replay. It is working.





Posted: May 7, 2010 6:44 AM

Hi Glenn Layaar,

        Thanks for your replay.





Posted: May 7, 2010 6:41 AM

Hi Handy,

    Thanks for your replay.




Posted: May 7, 2010 2:20 AM

Hi Yudi.

     Thank for your response. It is working.





Posted: May 4, 2010 4:10 AM

Hi Handy,

Is there any server side events to capture "Resize" events.

Another Question : Is there any client side events or server side events to capture drag drop events in a webscheduler.

I have a specific requirements to check(availability timings) the appointments before save/update. so when some one trying to resize or dragdrop any events, i have to check the avalabilty before save.  Can you help on this ? Thanks in advance.





Posted: April 30, 2010 9:37 AM

Hi Handy,

       I am using Intersoft WebUi studio 2009 R2 SP1.  I am using in a webapplication projects.

ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll - 3.0.5000.752
ISNet.WebUI.Editor.dll - 3.0.5000.752
ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.Resources.dll - 3.0.1000.4


It is true Handy context menu is working in livesample.


I am attaching two images of "ContextMenu_IE8.jpg" and "ContextMenu_IE7.jpg"





Posted: April 27, 2010 2:15 AM

Hi Yudi,

       I can hide the div by this sample of code.  When someone clicks on a empty cell I am able to open the edit form. When someone clicks on an event, I want to open the edit form,


can you help on this ?

How I achive the above functionality i.e. to hide the callout div completely.




Posted: April 8, 2010 3:16 AM

Hi Andi,

       Last time I had faced a vesion 751 - 752 problem.  I updated the version from 751 to 752 which gives some dll and javascrit files.  I am using all the updated files.

 Please find the attachment. Context Menu is working fine on a Website project but not working on my Webapplication projects.


I am using browsers like IE7-8 and firefox3


Can you help on this ?






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