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Nikola Biondić Member
Posted: August 13, 2013 5:28 AM

Ok, I just checked again, and it seems I jumped to conclusion just a little to fast. This worked when I tried it with one combo, but the fact is I have 7 combos on the page that are not shown in dialog, and now I need to put 6 more that will show in that jquery dialog. Everything works fine when I add just one combo in dialog, but as soon as I add second one, the same problem as I already described, starts to happen. The combos don't have same ID's, so it shouldn't be a problem. The six combos in dialog should all have same datasource, so I figured that could be a problem and tried to change datasource for each of them, didn't work. Then I figured, well maybe there's a limit on how many combos you can have on one page, so I removed one of the 7 combos on page and added one more in dialog, didn't work. It seems when there's more than two combos in dialog, thing crashes.

Posted: August 13, 2013 4:39 AM

I don't know how or why but this now works for me too. Could be visual studio or some other problem, but it seems it wasn't really code-related. I restarted my pc yesterday and that obviously helped in some way, but thanks anyway Bernard. Should have listened to my own advice - "If it doesn't work, restart it" :D

Hi Bernard,

thank you for your answer. It's funny that you should suggest this solution, since I had an epifany last night and thought of the same one. I already implemented this, and also thought this could be a performance issue, but now, since you proposed the same, I see that there is no smarter solution than this. Thank you again.



I have 160 columns, I can't do that for all of them. That's what we did in previous version of application, and that was 2000 lines of code. So there has to be a better way.

Hi Bernard,

thank you for your answer. This does work, sort of. I get all the columns that I have in my datasource. However, I have some columns that I don't want to show in the grid, so their width is set to 0px(I can't hide them with visible=false because I need their data), they have some data formating options defined also, and I'm defining all of that in aspx. So what i really want is to show only those columns contained in datasource, but with the options that I already defined in markup, and hide all the other columns. What I succeded to do is to check if column is not contained in datasource and just set it's Bound and Visible properties to false. With that all other columns defined in markup, and contained in datasource are binded and their properties are preserved as defined in aspx. I would want to know if there's a better option for doing this. If I do it as you suggested, then i still have to define all properties in PrepareDataBinding event.

Bernard thank you for your effort. I've checked your sample, it is exactly what i need, and it works, but showing the drop down is just not an option here and I'll have to find workaround. But still, thank you.

There has to be a better way, I mean i have to show the resultbox, open it on the screen and then close it, which for some reason doesn't happen immediately. 

Ok here is what i want to do: I have a combo in which data is loaded on server side in InitializeDataSource event. On client side I have a menu, every menu item has ID. Click on menu item has to cause filter application on my combo according to clicked menuitem's ID. Also, when that happens, I want to select the first row in combo, and get the data from that selected row.

Now, I would like to do that without showing the result box.

Here is my combo:

<iswebcombo:WebCombo ID="cmbGodina" runat="server" AllowWildCardSearch="false" Width="200" 
 Height="20" DataValueField="IdRedaMenu" DropDownRows="1000"
 ViewStateStorage="None" EnableWebResources="Auto" DataTextField="Naziv">
 <LayoutSettings ComboMode="MultipleColumns" EnableAnimation="False" AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="true" 
 EntryMode="AutoComplete" StatusBoxPosition="Top" StatusBoxVisible="false">
 <ClientSideEvents OnAfterItemSelected="cmbGodina_OnAfterItemSelected" OnShowDropDown="cmbGodina_OnShowDropDown" />
 <iswebcombo:WebComboColumn Name="Naziv" HeaderText="<%$GetString:00_pub_Name%>" BaseFieldName="Naziv" Width="200" />
 <iswebcombo:WebComboColumn Name="IdObrasca" Hidden="true" RenderOnHidden="true" BaseFieldName="IdObrasca" />
 <iswebcombo:WebComboColumn Name="DatumDo" Hidden="true" RenderOnHidden="true" BaseFieldName="DatumDo" />
 <iswebcombo:WebComboColumn Name="XsltFile" Hidden="true" RenderOnHidden="true" BaseFieldName="XsltFile" />
 <iswebcombo:WebComboColumn Name="ProcFile" Hidden="true" RenderOnHidden="true" BaseFieldName="ProcFile" />
 <iswebcombo:WebComboColumn Name="AspxPage" Hidden="true" RenderOnHidden="true" BaseFieldName="AspxPage" />

 This intersoft webcombo control has caused me to lose hours and hours of my time, and it is really non intuitive to use. I can do al the complicating stuff like dynamical databinding but i can't do simple stuff like selecting a row.

I dont' think something like that can be so complicated.

Posted: March 5, 2013 4:37 AM

Got it, thanks.

Posted: March 4, 2013 8:41 AM
I'm sorry but i just can't get it together, how am I supposed to do this. How do I pass DataSourceSelectArguments to webmethod, and what should I return. Can I just return the DataTable object? Can you please provide me with sample code on hot to do this, that would be very much appreciated. Also, what should be put in control's markup to define it's connection to webmethod on aspx page. Is the following code correct  on that terms?

<ClientBindingSettings DataSourceType="WebService" ServiceUrl="MyPageName.aspx">
    <ServiceMethods SelectMethod="WebMethodName" />


Posted: March 1, 2013 4:07 AM

I guess the webservice can just be replaced with aspx that has a webmethod on it. 

This part with northwind database confuses me, can you please show me how webmethods would look if you had a connection to sql server and stored procedure for data retrieval.

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