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Hachi K Member
of 2
Posted: August 18, 2014 11:57 PM


I've replied in that same post.


Posted: August 18, 2014 11:48 PM


Thanks for your reply. We're using v7_0_7200 Webgrid and v3_0_7200 Webdesktop. The browser is IE9.

When I tried to get this page work was to get the webpage to be displayed in Quirks mode. Now, what is happening is that the master page is getting displayed properly but the main content page is loaded and not displayed.

This is solved when the document mode is changed to anything else. But the behavior of the Tabs and the Grids alternatively work in one and not in other.

Without upgrading/changing the version of the webgrid/webdesktop, is it possible to find a solution for this? Also, why the issue with Quirks mode - any idea?

I really appreciate your help. Thanks!

Posted: August 11, 2014 10:21 AM


I think the issue is with browser compatability. When I add the meta tag for browser(IE) compatability, all the Intersoft components' UI behavior change and thus, cause the above issue.

Any solutions for this? Appreciate the effort in advance.


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