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Ruchika Abbi Member
Posted: November 30, 2011 9:29 AM

Thanks for your response Hendrik.

Would it be possible to display the custom fields in the msg box that appears when you select an appointment (as in the image attached) or it can just be seen in the Edit form?

Is there any alternative at all. We need to display some custom event information for sure. Can this be done by adding it all to the Description field?

FYI, we are trying this product to see if we get a considerable improvement in the speed at which the entire scheduler renders with a lot of resources and events vs. the other product we are currently using.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.




Posted: November 29, 2011 11:35 AM

Hello Hendrik,

Attached is a screenshot of how I am trying to show the custom fields/icons in the scheduler grid. It has an image mapped to a medical alert field in the database and other custom fields like phone number, notes, dental procedures etc. Please let me know if doable.





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