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Peter Briggs Member
of 3


WebScheduler 3.0 build 5

WebDesktop 3.0 build 308

WebUI Framework 3.0 build 752

But I doubt that is the

You are right, I cannot produce the issue on any of the samples. I have applied a few hotfixes to my version so I am guessing that is the issue. I am currently using version 3.0.1000.5 but have applied 2 hotfixes.

Posted: May 18, 2010 11:26 AM

Just got this from support and this works except for Month view where the 9th day is shown twice (current month and next month) and both get shaded. Asked another question if there is a way to indicate what month each 9th block is for or some difference between the blocks.


For such scenario, you could use the OnAfterRenderView client side event handler in order to modify the header day element based on certain condition. Here is the snippet in order to modify the first date in every view to have a black background color with white color:

function WebScheduler1_OnAfterRenderView(controlId, viewMode)
    var sched = ISGetObject(controlId);
    var headerElem = null;
    var type = "";
    //Setting all date 1 to have black background color with white text
    switch (viewMode)
        case "Day":
            headerElem = sched.GetDayDayHeader().getElementsByTagName('td');
            type = 'DayHeader;';      
        case "Week":
            headerElem = sched.GetWeekDayHeader().getElementsByTagName('td');
            type = 'DayHeader;';
        case "Month":
            headerElem = sched.GetSchedulerTableFrame().getElementsByTagName('td');
            type = 'MonthInboundDateHeader;MonthOutboundDateHeader;';
        case "Quarter":
            headerElem = sched.GetSchedulerTableFrame().getElementsByTagName('td');
            type = 'YearDayOfWeek;';
        case "Year":
            headerElem = sched.GetSchedulerTableFrame().getElementsByTagName('td');
            type = 'YearDayOfWeek;';

    for (var i = 0; i < headerElem.length; i )
        if (type.indexOf(headerElem[i].getAttribute('type') ";") != -1 &&
                    headerElem[i].getAttribute('d') == '1')
            headerElem[i].style.backgroundImage = "none";
            headerElem[i].style.backgroundColor = "Black";
            headerElem[i].style.color = "White";

This issue was resolved by turning compatability off. Work around for now I guess.

I think this is an IE 7 issue. I turned compatability mode off in IE 8 and everything works fine. Is there a fix for these issues in IE 7?

Posted: May 10, 2010 11:57 PM

I am shocked...a professional, time tested web scheduler handles 12 AM this way? Setting the time to 23:59:59 will make my calculations ugly, then I have to start rounding and dropping decimals and such. Very disappointing.

Posted: May 10, 2010 5:15 PM

Wow that was a dumb question...I saw that setting but I guess it only applied to the little calendars on the left and not the schedule.

Thanks for the quick response!


<BR> works but messes up the placement of the little white box you use to expand the appt.

Thanks for #1 and #2.

Let me try to explain #3 more. Each appt block is assigned a resource or employee. That employee has up to 3 phone numbers: home, alternate, and cell. I would like to display these 3 phone numbers on the appt block so the user may quickly be able to call the employee. So we are only really talking about 3 lines I just want them formatted in a way that they are easily readable. A typical appt is at least 1 hour so that size is not an issue. Right now the first line is the resource name which I think is the subject. I am placing the 3 phone numbers in the Description field but am unable to format the phone numbers on the schedule.

Does that clear things up a little?

Posted: April 1, 2010 12:36 PM

Julia, I am unable to download it manually under My Components because I am unable to log into the Developer Network. How do you get a TDN account?

This issue is happening with the trial download...we would like to get the control operational before we purchase.

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