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Peter Jones Member
of 6

Hi Handy,

This appears to be working in most scenarios.

however i have found an issue that when using the group by  functionality and all items are in the group (that is there is only one row when grouped).

when expanding the group in this scenario the grid size does not increase.

please can you have somebody look at this.

Generally though there are no other issues i can see at the moment.


On a different note.  Installing the link you sent me has unistalled by previous version and all the licensing information to i will have to reinstall the 2011 R1 package.

This is not a problem but can you assure me that this fix is not going to cause me any licensing issues. It seems fine deployed on a test server but it don't want  trial licence expiry messages suddenly appearing in a month.

thank you for your continued support



update: done some more testing and also occurs in there are 2 groups.

nested groups also causing problems if  2 or less groups at the top level






hi handy,

i believe i have  2011 R1.

the build of webgrid i have is  .431

In which build is this fixed?

There are no new updates available through the update manager.

how do i get R2. and/or  R2sp1

these problems have been plaguing me forever.







Hi Handy,

This does not look like a fix will be available in january.

Can you send me an othernight build that contains this fix as stated in your last post.






Hi Handy,


we are now passed mid Jan. Is there going to be a fix in january!

Hi Handy,

when in january can i expect a fix? or is this going to be feb, march ... never

christmas is fast approaching and still no  fix  or information on when one will be provide.


any update?

Is there a way to force the webgrid to refresh after it has loaded using  java script.


i.e replicate the user selecting refresh so the grid is displayed correctly


When can i expect this to be fixed?

I have tried switching to

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="">


with other workarounds on our pages.

The same issue appears to be happening in IE7.

Also having problems which the drag and drop grouping functionality with

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

which is fine under the other doctype.


an early christmas present would be good!






Hi Handy,


now that R2 is released can this problem be looked into

Hi Handy,

define a little longer? - It has already been more than a little longer by my definition. since your last post.

Will this issue be fixed in R2?

from previous experience i  doubt it.

will R2 introduce more problem that  will be take forever for you to fix?

Again unfortunately from previous experience  also likely.




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